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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fed Up Tea Party And Conservative Critics Attack John Boehner Over 'Ideologically Bankrupt' GOP

Potential political woes are multiplying in the hallowed halls of the U.S. Capitol. The Tea Party Leadership Fund PAC has declared that House Speaker John Boehner is an enemy of conservatives, and is acting, well, according. There’s a public petition against the Ohio Republican, an advertising buy, a new website - all coordinated by a group that claims to be the nation’s largest political action committee for the grassroots movement.

“John Boehner has declared war on conservatives demanding lower taxes and limited government,” says talk radio host Rusty Humphries, spokesman for new campaign. “Today we declare war on him. We intend to send a message to his fellow ‘Republicans In Name Only’ that such ideologically bankrupt leadership must come to an end.”



  1. so whats wrong with lower taxes and limited government?

  2. Nothing 9:55, read the article. Boehner is the problem. Conservative want lower taxes and limited government but John Boehner acts more like a democrat. He should be removed from the Speakers position immediately.

  3. Where is the FBI on all this corruptionJanuary 15, 2014 at 11:38 AM

    John Boehner took a 250 thousand dollar fund and turned his head on Obama-Care b/c of that donation...

  4. The so called Republican Moderates (AKA Commie-Lite)are no better then the anti-morals Democrats. Our whole political system needs a reset as predicted by the founders.


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