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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

FBI Officially Admits They Do Not Enforce The Law

Today ZeroHedge published an interesting report about the FBI’s change to their mission statement.

What the writer failed to acknowledge is that the FBI has been involved in almost every major cover-up in U.S. history. We could list 100+ incidents whereby the FBI injects itself into an investigation; with the demonstrated purpose of learning about what evidence has been revealed; find out what people know, and then cover it all up.

The JFK assassination, Gulf of Tonkin, TWA Flight 800, Keating 5 / Lincoln Saving & Loan, Oklahoma City bombing, September 11th, Boston Marathon bombing, Benghazi, Seal Team 6, and the list is almost endless.


  1. Don't forget the X-Files!

  2. "Orders are orders"

  3. 6:43-99.9% of them aren't entrusted with x-file info.


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