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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Experts May Recommend Cutting Sugar Intake In Half

The World Health Organization is considering cutting the amount of sugar it recommends in your daily diet to half the current limit.

Experts are proposing cutting the recommended level that people should consume from no more than 10 percent of their calories from sugar to no more than five percent, based on fears of heart disease, obesity, and tooth decay, The Sunday Times in the U.K. reports. The new requirements equate to about five teaspoons of sugar a day -- about the same as in a Mar bars or in half a can of a soda.


  1. So, mix with juice instead of soda?

  2. Experts are 30 years behind.

  3. Sugar is a preservative, not a food group. Yes people should cut their in take, but to as close to zero as possible. By comparison salt is also a preservative but it is also an essential mineral you would die without. Sugar is not.

  4. Years from now they will realize... Sugar = cancer.


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