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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

DOE Plugs Energy Rating For Homes, Similar To MPG Rating For Cars

(CNSNews.com) - The Energy Department on Tuesday is rolling out new, improved software to help Americans measure the energy efficiency of their homes.

DOE says its energy-scoring software -- called the Home Energy Scoring Tool -- is like a vehicle's mile-per-gallon rating because it allows homeowners to compare the energy performance of their homes to other homes nationwide. It also provides homeowners with suggestions for improving their homes' efficiency.

The software is part of the government's effort to reduce the nation's energy consumption; but it's also billed as a way to keep home-retrofitting going, at a time when stimulus funds for weather-proofing have run out.



  1. more "big brother" crap. this, combined with all the online home controls, and pretty soon the government will be adjusting our thermostats for us!

  2. The DOE is a joke. It was created when Carter was president to get rid of our dependence on foreign oil.

  3. Then, they will tax you according to your score...

  4. yeah and Google bought a thermostat company yesterday -- pretty soon Gog and Magog Google and Monsanto will be telling you what time to go to bed and how many blankets to use

  5. it's not for us but for our kids. I'm sure the public school idiots will be teaching the kids what a great thing this is. next thing you know the government will be in your home watching your every move! aint amerika great!

  6. 6:23 It's happening now. You have a computer, a cell phone, and a smart meter, you are being watched.

  7. I'm sick of this. dpl already does this to get you to accept their smart meters & control of your utility! frankly, I don't care what my neighbors bill is. we do everything they recommend to conserve electricity and our bill is atrocious! it all boils down to, THEY ChaRGE WHAT THEY WANT! What are we gonna do, stop the service?


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