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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Do You Agree Or Disagree With This?


  1. WELL, yes. They have no base here, and only want our welfare, not our country. Kill them, who cares?

  2. They should hang the bastards.

  3. good for you sheriff joe. keep up the good works. thanks sjd

  4. Straight to the front lines for these criminals! Let them handle the IED locating.....

    They don't deserve the life or liberty that our soldiers are fighting for!

  5. If they are illegals should we be surprised that they don't respect our flag? Tear their azzes up Sheriff, there should be more like you.

  6. We need US Forces in Afghanistan to bring in more heroin, so Joe's veterans have a job

  7. Why not go all out and whip them with a horse whip then pour salt water on them. If he would do that I think it would make more of an impact on them.

  8. 100% Agree. I wish Sheriff Joe's policies could be used nation wide.

  9. Strongly disagree, they are protected by the constitution like it or not. Arpaio is a sadistic moron.

  10. Strongly agree - they are convicted - they lost their rights when they committed their special crimes....

  11. Depends on why they destroyed the flags. Were they thinking of what this country has become under Obama? Do not be too quick to judge.

  12. Well... they didn't ask for the flags. The flags were given to them, making the flags their property, and as such to do with as they saw fit.

    One of the rights that people fight for and that the flag represents is freedom of speech. Like it or not, this protects these inmates defacing these flags for a purpose of speech, even if we don't like it. Last time I checked, the constitution protected speech, and didn't revoke this right if a person was incarcerated.

    So my final verdict is that this is cruel and unusual punishment.

  13. 1:35
    So that means they can tear up their bedding? Can they also destroy other things that don't belong to them. They were not given a flag. The flag is in there room. I think more prisons should be run this way. It saves the tax payers millions of dollars and maybe they WON'T want to go back there.

  14. No.That reflects hope that the prisoners have the potential to change.Only they can better themselves.If a person is being treated for an addiction for instance,the person or persons administering the treatment cannot succeed on their own.The addict must cooperate and want to change him or her self.In my opinion the decision to put a flag in their cell is absurd.When they get out,if they get out,they'll probably hate society even more because of it.

  15. I think it is great. They are still being fed and they have shelter. That is more than some of our vets have these days. Like they say......don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time. They need to learn there are consequences for their actions.

  16. Looking at our prison statistics they were probably there on a victimless crime anyway so why not punish them for their exercise of free speech as well. If you want to say that you are more free than the wackos in the middle east that will kill themselves over a symbol, then you can't get upset over the destruction of one either. Then you are just a nationalistic extreamest by your own definition.


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