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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Did You Watch WBOC Tonight?

Clearly they're NOT interested in the economic downfall of Wicomico County and instead are sending out every single reporter they have on the road to tell you NOT to drive in these conditions. REALLY, these conditions!

Perhaps Draper needs to send some of these people to Upstate New York for a long weekend in the winter so they can see what a real storm, (without names) is really like.

At 5 PM they made my entire Family laugh so hard we couldn't take it. At one point they actually interviewed a woman having her Pool serviced because she was afraid it would collapse. Are You Serious WBOC??? Let's get simple here for just a second. Just how many POOLS do you think are on Delmarva in need of service during a little snow storm? Hint, YOUR FAILING like the Daily Times and FAST.

Then one reporter was talking about all the snow up north towards Dover and he kept attempting to pull snow off the ground but guess what, there wasn't enough there to get any in his hand. Another reporter was driving down the road telling people to stay off the roads, yet he was looking just about everywhere not paying attention to the road.

It was extremely comical. Then, the only thing that actually educated me on TWO different broadcasts, (5 & 6 PM) was the fact that they actually NAMED this storm. Really, seriously? Janus! I'll break out my BROOM and clear my walkways tomorrow at this rate but I do thank you for the laughs. 

Now stop reading this crap and go back to SBYNews and read some real news. 


  1. I laughed at the bacon lady from Dover that they interviewed this morning.

  2. Annie, I forgot this part. One reporter was in Ocean City in a grocery store. She had a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread and a carton of eggs, saying the shelves were getting low. She went on to say how the store was PACKED, all the while the camera showed there was NO ONE in the store. We started cracking up.

  3. Rank amateurs, just like the SBY mayor and majority of its council.

  4. I'm willing to have "I survived Super Storm Satterfield" January 21 2014 t shirts printed for those who want them!

  5. And they canceled Inside Edition in order to bring us more info from the "storm?" center.

  6. Naming of winter storms is Weather Channel hype.

    I'm surprised that WBOC (a CBS affiliate) would recognize something that TWC (owned by NBC) did ...

  7. Local sports broadcasting are the only reason that newscast has any ratings besides being one of four free channels

  8. National Weather Service names storms, not the Weather Channel

  9. 2:10
    The TWC is who started to name winter storms NOT the NWS.

  10. Typical Delmarva. We'll have 12 trucks loaded with 9 tons of salt a piece revving engines in a circle all while watching one snowflake fall named Winter Storm Wilbur

  11. I'm SO glad this topic was posted. A few minutes ago, while watching the "news" on WBOC, I was absolutely dumbfounded when they did a 2-or-3-minute segment on how the snow affected the city budget in (get this) EVANSTON, INDIANA!
    Are you kidding me?
    Obviously someone who puts the "news" together for that sorry-ass station was finding something - anything - to fill time.
    Why do I continue to watch this train wreck of a station, you may ask? Number 1: It's better than the other option - WMDT. Watching my cat cough up a hairball is more enlightening and entertaining than WMDT, so that isn't saying much. And Number 2: The only thing that gets my motor running before heading out to work in the morning is my coffee - and seeing Lacee Griffith. She's a babe. Dumb as a nail - but still a babe.

  12. I would rather watch WMDT anyday. They are so much better than WBOC. WBOC is a joke I stopped watching them a few years ago, couldn't take it any longer. WMDT has been right about the weather more than WBOC.

  13. High winds? The wind blew harder under my sheets last night than it did outside!

  14. Joe you are so on on this one They suck soooo bad. I had family in from out of town they laughed at the local news. I came in from another room I thought they were watching a comedy. They looked at me and said really. Do you watch this every night. I said no I get more from a local blog. They do not report on any local political issues. They never have up to date sports. Worse then our local t.v. the daily slimes is 100% worse. That paper is only good for starting the wood stove.

  15. 2:48-Do the right thing and disconnect your cable TV.Then we'll talk.


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