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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Democrats Scramble To Block 'New World Order'

NEW YORK – As President Obama prepares to deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday evening, powerful groups in the Democratic Party base are organizing to oppose “fast track” authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping free-trade agreement the Obama administration is ready to push through Congress.

On Monday, an impressive group of 564 political analysts from labor, environmental, family-farm and community organizations sent Obama a strongly worded letter to the White House arguing that pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, undermines the president’s message on income inequality.

“President Obama can’t have it both ways,” Arthur Stamoulis, the spokesman for Citizens Trade Campaign, the group organizing the letter, told WND. “Either the president is for reducing income eligibility as we expect he will say in the State of the Union address, or he can push for fast-track legislation on the job-destroying TPP free-trade agreement. He can’t have it both ways.”

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  1. They have been pushing hard since daddy bush was head of the CIA...UN ....REAGAN BUSH CLINTON BUSH OBAMA ALL PART OF THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR SOVERNITY....

  2. As long as quitting the UN is part of the agreement, we'll be fine.

  3. 3 more years with this POS.

  4. The last free trade agreement was so great for the U.S. - NOT!

    This one should finish us off.

  5. The only thing i want to hear obama say is, "I have broken trust with the American people, my presidency has been the biggest scam ever perpetrated on America. I am resigning right after i have joe biden and harry reid thrown in jail for participating in my fraud. Thank you, good night."

  6. Obama Crooked BastardJanuary 29, 2014 at 3:22 AM

    8:32 I agree. And let's not forget Eric Holder for Operation Fast & Furious, and Hillary Clinton for Benghazi. Thank You, Good nite & Lights Out.


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