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Thursday, January 23, 2014

DC Businessman Faces One Year In Jail For Possessing Single Shotgun Shell

A Washington, D.C., resident is going to trial for possessing a single, misfired shotgun shell in his home.

Mark Witaschek is a hunter and a gun owner, but he lives in Washington – which has draconian gun laws – so he keeps his firearms at his sister’s home in Virginia. The single misfired shell is a keepsake from a memorable hunting trip, but it could cost him $1,000 and one year in jail.

Blame his angry ex-wife, who tipped off the police about Witaschek. They told the Metropolitan Police Department he had guns in his home – a felony. After two separate raids in Summer 2012, they only came up with ammunition, which is also a felony.



  1. Search without a warrant. No obvious evidence to even have a warrant. His wife is the one that should be charged with giving a false statement.

  2. I call BS on this one. My FIL legally owns a pistol in DC. Maybe this dude is a convicted felon or under a peace order?

  3. 9:32 not at all --this issue was huge when David Gregory carried a magazine onto the set of Meet The Press-- but David Gregory is an elite and his Father is a Hollywood big wig

  4. The draconian gun laws have made Washington DC a very safe place to live, and visit, so obviously gun laws work.....NOT

  5. Enter the world of the Communists in the White House... they foster an environment where laws can be chosen and enforced on the people they choose and used in an "as needed for political payback" basis.

  6. well are you all ready or what? what more do you need to happen to see something big will come soon enough...


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