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Friday, January 31, 2014

Connecticut Gun Owners Revolt; Refuse To Register Firearms & Magazines

Just 38,000 of 2.4 million magazines registered after passage of new law

Gun owners in Connecticut have revolted against a new gun control law, with just 38,000 out of 2.4 million high capacity magazines being registered with authorities.

Following the Sandy Hook shooting in December 2012, Connecticut passed a law which banned ammunition magazines capable of carrying more than 10 rounds. Residents who had acquired such magazines before the law came into effect were mandated to register them with state police by January 1, 2014. The law also banned assault rifles manufactured after 1994, requiring them to be declared to authorities.

Weeks after the deadline expired, authorities revealed that 50,016 assault weapons and 38,290 ammunition magazines had been registered.

CT News Junkie reported that it is, “unclear how many gun owners own the banned weapons and magazines, but chose not to comply with the registration requirement.”



  1. Interesting since CT is one of the most liberal states in the U.S.

  2. CALL ANNAPOLIS + tell your elected official NO-NO-NOJanuary 31, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    Good, b/c if you have not heard...the following is going on right now in Maryland with Democratic Law-Makers:
    #TAX every bullet or round you have or could buy.
    #Mandatory registration of clips.
    #Making the sale or transfer of arms b/w Family members illegal.

    Just to name a few...

  3. That's fine, they just can't cry when they are hauled off to jail for having an unregistered firearm.

  4. 2:18 I loaded up, and continue to do so, if prices are wholesale. And glad they are registering clips, as I have none... only magazines. 30 rounders, which are standard capacity.

  5. If you have a gun or ammo or magazines , you are safe .
    It would only be foolish to register anything.
    Just open the door to take you stuff!

  6. Good for them! Registration means confiscation is shortly down the road...

  7. ...and if it's registered, claim it stolen or lost in the lake.

  8. Good for them. My hat is off to 'em.

  9. "That's fine, they just can't cry when they are hauled off to jail for having an unregistered firearm."

    Actually, 2:25, that may well be when the crap hits the oscillator. Don't look for that activity to go down without resistance.

  10. yeah, i accidentally dropped ALL my stuff in the river one day, and though i tried REALLY REALLY hard, i just couldn't seem to find it:)


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