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Friday, January 10, 2014

CDC: U.S. Fertility Rate Hits Record Low For 2nd Straight Year; 40.7% Of Babies Born To Unmarried Women

(CNSNews.com) - The fertility rate of women in the United States fell to a record low for the second year in a row in 2012, according to data released last week by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Also for the second year in a row, 40.7 percent of the babies born in the United States were born to unmarried mothers.

The fertility rate is the number of births per 1,000 women aged 15-44. In 2012--according to the Dec. 30, 2013 CDC report “Births: Final Data for 2012"--the U.S. fertility rate was 63.0. That was down from 63.2 in 2011, the previous all-time low.



  1. A major cause of poverty is illegitimate births.

  2. The reason why births are down are because the govt is messing with gender bending shit in food and the water you drink...

    Just like fluoride yeah sure it helps your damn teeth but hurts your immune system...

    I mean when you eat the GMO corn and foods what the fuck do you think your eating, you are eating pesticides that are poisonous and embedded into the genes of the plant... this is harmful to you which is why the cancer rate is getting higher...

  3. Yeah cancer rates in the US are twice as high in countries that are only starting to develop

  4. 10:23 Medication time!!

  5. 10:23 is right 10:36, but you are welcome to keep on fooling yourself if you choose to. What they call food in this country is so far removed from real food it's a joke. Over processed, chemical laced, genetically altered crap.
    If the government was really concerned with cancer and other health afflictions they would go after big food/big agri business.
    You'd be best served to stop thinking a pill for everything also as just about every one of the school shooters were on these mind altering substances prescribed to them for faux illnesses such as ADD, ADHD, Autism spectrum disorder and Asperger's.

  6. 10:57 So much THIS! I'm "off the grid" when it comes to food. I eat what comes from my hand, be it animal or vegetable or fruit. No vitamins, or pills, needed.

  7. Another report says that 8 out of every 10 births to African-Americans is illegitimate.

  8. 2:18 That's because the Government pays them to have babies. Along with that they get section 8 housing, food stamps, and free healthcare, and welfare. With those kinds of benefits they should be charged with prostitution.


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