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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Caption This Photo 1-4-14


  1. I am the Boss. thanks sjd

  2. A duck with a feather in his cap.

  3. SJD...I would like to thank you for the professionalism and compassion that you showed our family recently when we lost a loved one. Although I am sure that you have met with thousands of families over the years and it is business for you, we left feeling that we weren't just another customer. You and your wife made what was a very difficult part of losing someone much easier, and we thank you for that.

  4. anonymous 1:59, they don't get any better than SJ & Wanda. God's special gift to Salisbury.

  5. I told that hairdresser it was
    "to full"

  6. Hey Joe.... maybe that would be a good addition... a spot of thanks that people could leave a note. But then knowing this crowd maybe not. I too lost a loved one recently and there are no words for it.


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