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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Brit Hume: Sometimes It Seems Like Dems Would Rather Have Everyone Equally Poor Than Unequally Rich

Brit Hume offered some commentary last night on Special Reportregarding the income inequality issue that President Obama has brought to the nation’s attention as part of his effort to regain favor with the American people.

“It is hard not to marvel at the audacity of a man who, after five years in office, identifies as ‘the defining challenge of our time’ an income gap that, as you’ve heard, has steadily widened since he’s been in office,” Hume said.

“But income inequality has long been a preoccupation with Democrats,” he continued, “to the point that it sometimes seems they’d prefer everyone be equally poor than unequally rich. That’s an exaggeration, of course, but it points to a key difference in the way the left and right view the economy.”



  1. "Everyone equally poor" is the result of Communism/Marxism.
    So many Eastern block citizens have tried to escape this economic model throughout history the Communists had to fence them in and shoot those attempting to flee.
    With current Democrat/Socialist ideology
    and Obama, America is well on it's way to the same scenario.

  2. True 3:14.I tried to flee yesterday and got shot at.Bet I won't try that again.

  3. The limosine liberal mantra,everyone equally poor except them because they know best.

  4. 3:57, Obama and the Neo-Socialists won't shoot you yet, they will devise a relocation penalty fee that the Supreme court will uphold as a termination of residence tax.
    They will shoot you after they claim you are a criminal for not paying it!
    Why do you think Obama is arming 16,000 additional IRS agents and training a domestic paramilitary force?

  5. I lost all respect for Brit when he claimed on Fox News last Sunday morning that the NSA spying on all citizens is justified. He has become just one more useless establisment Republican. He used to be conservative in the past but he has been drifting left, I suppose just following orders of his NWO boss Robert Murdock.


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