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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Maddux, Glavine, Thomas Elected To Baseball Hall Of Fame

Longtime White Sox slugger Frank Thomas and 300-game winners Greg Maddux and Tom Glavine, former teammates on the Atlanta Braves, were elected to baseball's Hall of Fame.



  1. Fat a$$ OPRAH and MICHELLE OBAMAJanuary 8, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    When does Obama get that award?

  2. I was at Camden Yards the day they celebrated Eddie Murray's induction to the Hall of Fame. The Orioles were playing the Atlanta Braves. All the Oriole and Braves players were showing great respect for this great player and this occasion. However there was one exception Mr. Maddox had his back to this event while he was working out in centerfield !!!.

  3. 4:58 So? No one respects the orioles anyway. They're the cowboys of mlb.

    Frank Thomas is laughable.

  4. Frank Thomas laughable? One of EIGHT men to have 500 HR's and a .300 average. If you don't have a clue about anything baseball, 8:11, just don't comment.


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