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Monday, January 27, 2014

Bottle Deposit Supporters To Deliver Petitions Monday

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Maryland PIRG is delivering petitions urging Gov. Martin O'Malley to support a measure to create a 5-cent redeemable bottle deposit.

Supporters said they will be delivering 7,000 signatures to the Maryland State House on Monday.

Joanna Guy, a program associate with Maryland PIRG, said the initiative could triple the state's recycling rates and reduce litter.


  1. This is all lies! I lived in Michigan where they too put in all of this BS at the state capital. Go on up there and have a look at how wonderful the state looks! This is a con game, all it does is bring in money for the state, and a hassle for the grocers, store owners, box-boys, customers. It brings ants, and vermin into your house, garage and the stores, it is very unhealthy.
    Here in Maryland we don't really have that bad of a recycling problem, try and find an abandon aluminum can along the road way, the unemployed and homeless snatch them up as fast as someone empties them!
    Call Annapolis and voice a dislike for this bill, or you will live to regret it!

  2. I thought we did that, failure happened, we did away with that.

    Did I miss something?

  3. You know, some of us may be forgetful, but most of us are not, nor stupid.

  4. Soooo, all of the cans and bottles that we buy in DE we can redeem here for cash.....


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