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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bill Kristol: It’s Sweet To Die For The State

Neocon big leaguer, William Kristol, has come out with another doozy of an op-ed for the Weekly Standard, the neocon redoubt Kristol edits that has consistently lost around a million dollars a year since its inception in 1995.

This time around, Bill glamorizes the War to End All Wars, the First World War. He laments the “gravitational pull toward a posture of ironic passivity or fatalistic regret in the face of civilizational decline,” in other words the natural attitude of normal people to avoid war, largely because they inevitably pay the heavy price while a pampered intelligentsia hide out in their ivory towers.

Bill says the First World War engendered a “continuing deep if often indirect contribution to today’s demoralization of the West” because, as his buddy, the Canadian David Frum (inventor of the “axis of evil”) notes, it brought about a rejection of war despite the best efforts of the state to glorify and glamorize it.



  1. Neocons give Republicans a bad name.

    Kristol's Father did everyone a disservice raising his Son... selecting him to keep up such a abstract drumbeat.

    The only war Billy will ever wage is in his fat head. Kristol ought to move to Jerusalem where he can keep a gas mask next to his bed.

  2. Kristol is a NWO scumbag. Him and Carl Rove are two peas in a pod.


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