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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ben Carson: Next President Of The U.S.?

Dr. Benjamin Carson, the retired neurosurgeon whom many are urging to run for president in 2016, gave a remarkable interview to WND columnist and radio talker Bob Just recently, who was filling in as guest-host on the top-rated “Sean Hannity Show.”

Just interviewed Carson during the second hour of the Dec. 27 program. (During the third hour, Just interviewed WND Managing Editor David Kupelian and historian Ron Rychlak about the influential new book, “Disinformation.”)

With more than 500 affiliates nationwide, Hannity’s radio show, second only to that of Rush Limbaugh, is heard by roughly 13.5 million loyal listeners each week.

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  1. He would make a great president and would surround himself with people of good character and knowledgeable in their position.

  2. We can only hope so.....

  3. He makes too much sense, has morals and tells the truth ... he doesn't meet the qualifications.

  4. don't be so quick to fall for this guy, colin powell also claimed to be one of us but then he couldn't resist slobbering all over obammmy. when you get right down to it, they're all the same. you can't trust ANY of them.

  5. God please let your faithful servant in the White House and take out the trash !!!!!! Got my vote Dr. Carson.

  6. so when the democrats disagree with him can we call them racists?

  7. If only.... I truly love this guy. When he speaks he is soft spoken and gentle in his voice. His message is common sense. His life accomplishment jaw dropping.

    But the left would crucify him for they have yet to be branded the racists they are.

  8. Please. He is a great man and incredibly intelligent. But he has never run a large corporation or a state or anything close to either. This country needs experience and moral fiber. Not one or the other.

  9. Please. He is a very intelligent man but he has no experience running anything nearly as large as a state, little alone an entire country..I think the man would make a fantastic Surgeon General. But let's drop the fantasy that he could be a great President..He would be in way over his head I am sorry to say.

  10. @modulus neither is Obama.

  11. ...but he has no experience doing anything .........oh, I'm sorry,I thought we were talking about the reining POTUS.


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