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Friday, January 24, 2014

Because So Many Of You No Longer Get The Daily Times, Let Me Tell You Something...

We have been busting our rear ends for YEARS here on Salisbury News trying to deliver you news articles that would forecast OUR future here on the Eastern Shore.

There was a time many came to me and said, why all the articles now? Our goal was to search out daily to find information that would educate the public as to what WE feel was about to come to the Shore.

We've delivered UNEMPLOYMENT numbers, the County Executive called us liars. We delivered factual information about foreclosure forecasts and again your elected officials kept telling people we didn't know what we were talking about.

With foreclosures now up some 430% in Wicomico County, a deficit of almost $3,5 MILLION dollars in Wicomico Income tax because of the 1,200 lost jobs per month on average for more than a year and NOW I'm about to share with you some information you probably didn't know.

In yesterday's Daily Times  Classified section, (almost extinct with the exception of foreclosures) there were TWENTY FOUR foreclosures, EIGHTEEN of which were from Wicomico County! On a normal day you might see maybe four foreclosures for the entire region, just to give you a little history.

Ladies & Gentlemen, this is just the beginning. The DEPRESSION is about to hit Wicomico County. Look, I know of one very proud local elderly lady who is starting to sell off what little she has left just to come up with money for HEATING OIL! Local Banks are even having similar problems with CAR LOANS right now. IF the repossessions had to be legally posted the Daily Times would NEVER have to go out of business.

When we deliver national news telling you one out of five households are on some kind of assistance, know that it is a LOT worse here on the Shore. The Eastern Shore doesn't have a Washington D.C. to fall back on for local government jobs. The government actually LOVES the fact that newspapers at this time are dying because they know the masses aren't seeing these foreclosures on Blogs and Social Media because by law it's not acceptable. 

It is time to begin to hold OUR local elected officials accountable. It's time to get rid of Rick Pollitt and his entire administration and replace him with a strong, (proven) business person. It's time to CHANGE the law on the shore that you have to live here for 5 years first. This secures the GOOD OL' BOYS and NOTHING will ever change until you demand this be turned around immediately. Heck, OBAMA wasn't from Washington, D.C., nor was ANY other President, if you get my DRIFT. 

Things are about to get really bad here on the Shore and don't you ever say we didn't warn you. Heck, the Daily Times has these classified ads in their own damn newspaper and don't even tell you how bad a problem it is here. How sick is that!


  1. Hopefully there will be a revolution soon. Elections can and have been rigged and I don't see that changing. Unless there is true rebellion among 'we the people'. But so many folks are either in denial, don't care or actually WANT a communist regime to dictate.

  2. I thought it was bad 3 years ago when there were 5 or 6 in the paper.
    I agree Joe, we haven't seen anything yet.

    It does seem to help attorneys from the western shore.

  3. Foreclosures and short sales have been 20% - 22% of the MLS for 2 years now. As long as we have an artificial cap on the market, you know it's not going to get better. And interest rates have gone up, too. No way prices can increase when people are buying on a monthly payment. If you aren't an owner yet, sit tight and wait for the market to bottom out!

  4. Hmm It's a shore thang….Look at FL
    Broward County's median price for existing homes was $268,950, 17 percent higher than a year ago, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Realtors said Thursday. It was the first time since November 2012 that the median didn't increase on an annual basis by more than 20 percent.

  5. WEll.. the other comment I have is the lack of paper period. The front page is now one story (maybe two ) with nothing but white paper around it. I really hate to give up the paper because it has so many uses... the gerbil cage, the parakeet cage, the wood stove starter fuel....but it actually looks like I'm gonna have to figure out a new use of his rag...too expensive.


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