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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Anti-gun Mayor Holds 'Gay' Crush Hostage With Gun

A Pennsylvania mayor who has pushed for tougher gun-control laws is now going to jail after holding his homosexual crush hostage while armed with a gun.

Former Marcus Hook Mayor James Schiliro was sentenced to 10 to 20 months for an alcohol-fueled episode last February.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports Schiliro “had a police car bring a former neighbor – a 20-year-old to whom he said he was attracted – to his home, made him drink wine, and refused to let him leave for three and a half hours.”

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  1. Sounds like something that Mayor Ireton would do

  2. 10 months. For holding a gun to a person's body threatening to kill.

    10 months.

    Think about that.

  3. Our gay mayor gets nothing for hanging out In a woman's bathroom.

  4. This is the behavior homosexuals condone. They keep pushing for acceptance with falsehoods of normalcy and tolerance for others beliefs when the truth is it always has been and should still be considered deviant criminal behavior and treated as such with strict enforcement, punishment and mandatory treatment.
    Homosexuals are unfit for society and community.
    This is another instance of that fact.

  5. 7:25 You or I would be gone for 10-20 years, minimum. And he'll still pound his chest to restrict guns. Amazing logic.

  6. Sodomites are bizarre as well as disgusting.

  7. I can see Jim Liarton doing that.


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