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Thursday, January 23, 2014

And Some Of You Complain And Tell Others We Refuse To Publish Your Comments, Here's One Example Why

"Remember to shoot them in the legs 1st. then you can kill them as they lay there, the legs are not protected with armor! Every cop you kill is one you won't have to deal with later!"

Ladies & Gentlemen, we get comments like this one NUMEROUS times a day. We get some of the most racist comments on a regular basis and we reject them as well. 

When YOU hear someone complain that they try to put comments up on Salisbury News but Joe rejects them, KNOW that this is the reason why. Know that they are either mental cases, racists or simply trying to slip one by so they can hope we'll screw up and let one through so they can put it up on their mentally challenged Blog.

In the mean time, QUIT WASTING OUR TIME. 


  1. You spelled "publish" wrong.

  2. never mind, i see my comment now. my bad, sorry....

  3. OK, OK, I screwed up already. I fixed it. Relax. LOL

  4. For what it's worth
    Usually when I come across un-
    Justified negativity I never
    Allow it to bother me.

  5. WAY better job than Webster ever did

  6. Exactly why you should not fall for the challenge to "be a man" and identify yourself on these boards. A lot of good folks out there, but there are a lot of freaks, as well.

  7. Go back to playing your call of duty Xbox game, little boy.


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