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Saturday, January 11, 2014

“A Pathway To Prosperity In 2014”

The Right Answer for Maryland

“A Pathway to Prosperity in 2014”

By Delegate Mike McDermott

For years, Maryland has been losing ground on attracting and holding businesses and corporate expansion opportunities. The results can be seen in lost revenues and a state that struggles to keep up with their budget projections (currently we are over one half billion in the hole). The Brown-Obamacare roll out by the Maryland Senate has crippled future planning and expansion and left many without jobs, healthcare, or a future they can rely upon.

General Assembly Republicans see a Maryland full of promise hidden behind the fog of failed policies and progressive-liberal misadventures. All of which have served to limit personal and corporate liberty.

A bold agenda is called for, and Republicans will be offering solutions on all fronts. For starters, I am joining many of my colleagues in sponsoring a repeal of Obamacare to free Marylanders from this onerous law. Helping our fellow citizens address their health insurance needs can be accomplished without destroying our entire system.

Maryland maintains the highest Corporate Tax rates (8.25%) in the region and some of the worst in the country. I am sponsoring a bill which will reduce our corporate rates to 6% by 2017. This act would stimulate our economy and make us a more inviting state in which to do business. Diminished revenue from lowered rates would be replaced by expanding revenue from new business and those choosing to remain and grow in Maryland.

Our state is one of the worst when it comes to inheritance taxes. While most states have eliminated this final shakedown of the taxpayer, Maryland maintains rates that cause many of our citizens to flee to other states in their later years. To protect their families from this draconian tax, I have sponsored a bill with other delegates to repeal the inheritance tax.

When it comes to tax reform, there are many targets in Maryland. One area that I am focusing on with my colleagues is income tax rates. Our families deserve relief, not additional taxes. I’m joining my fellow Republicans in sponsoring a bill which would reduce income tax across the board by 10% for all Marylanders.

We continue to be a grossly over-regulating state, and I am sponsoring several bills to curtail the effects of big government on businesses and people. I want to require the state to provide a detailed fiscal impact statement on the rules they move to adopt when we are not in session. This was on full display with the recent Phosphorus Management Tool being pushed by the Department of Agriculture. This is a far reaching problem.

I have filed bills to address “no reason” permit denials by government as well as a penalty forgiveness bill for minor first offenses discovered during state inspections. Restoring the business community’s faith and confidence in government will encourage expansion and entrepreneurship in Maryland.

Lip service will not grow our economy. We must be bold, and change the way we think.


  1. Very well said when are you having a fundraiser event

  2. McDermott presents a great point. Since our last election in 2010, "We The People" on the Eastern Shore have had "Lip Service" (As McDermott refers to it as) delivered to us in platefuls by means of TONS of rhetorical speeches filled with empty promises.

    Our area's representatives' actions, as well as their inactions, over the past 3 years have caused MD's Eastern Shore to continuously plunge downhill and deteriorate in many ways. They have driven away many businesses from our region which equates to less jobs which equates to more poverty which equates to more crime. Salisbury serves as a PRIME example with the recent news that indicates that the city now ranks 4th as "Most Dangerous Place In The U.S."

    As McDermott states, our area's legislators need to..."Change the way we think." Many of them possess "Flintstone Mentalities", rather than "Jetson Mentalities", and their actions/inactions and ancient ideas may have been effective during Fred & Barney Rubble's era but that was then, and this is - NOW!

  3. Makes ME sick to think all you all down on the shore still drinks this Kool-Aid they are giving you all and then when kicked in the face later wonder why ?? Wake up and VOTE THEM ALL out of office and start fresh as long as one is in office the rest of the fools will follow lead with their master ...

  4. Mack, most of them should be voted out, but definitely not all of them.
    Mr. Mathias' main concerns are focused on farmers and his pals in O.C. that stuff his pockets with campaign funds. While helping the farmers is admirable and worthy of him, helping his O.C. pals is Not.
    Mr. Mathias should seriously consider retiring or re-running for Mayor of O.C. His friends in O.C. would welcome him back with open arms-most of the remaining residents of the lower shore would Not and would Love for McDermott represent us as State Senator of our District.

  5. You will replace ACA with what? I didn't see that answer

  6. I can honestly say Jim has help with the construction industry for mosh and mde trying to fine anybody trying to work

  7. What are you waiting for? Re-election. So I have to wait for you to be Re-elected, then you are going to get busy with all these great ideas?!? Are you not still in office?


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