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Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Letter To The Editor 1-18-14

Joe - I thought you might find this interesting - today The Daily Times released an article on the rank of Maryland in the foreclosure market.

SBYnews - broke this story more than 4 days ago - and it is only now being picked up by The Daily Times.


  1. I noticed it also. I went back and saw where Salisbury News reported the story on Monday, January 13th and The Daily Times waited and did not report it until January 17th.

    By the time The DT reported the article is was old news. I wonder what their problem is over there.

  2. I don't understand this post...don't we WANT sbynews to set the tone and the agenda?

  3. The eel story and the "don't Like Mondays" story have been on their site for two weeks! Maybe they are trying to find someone to write a new story.


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