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Saturday, January 04, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-4-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Is This What Ireton Plans To Do Once The Parking L...":

I had to laugh about an article claiming all the supposed successes Sby is experiencing. It was in the OC paper. Sounds as though you people over there are half witted and fond of electing the like. This goof ball went on and on about bike paths and other insignificant drivel when the fact stands that unemployment is through the roof, it's the top of the list for foreclosures and every other social ill known to mankind. It takes not only a big person but an honest one willing to admit that Sby is on a downward spiral for anything of any significance to occur.

When kids are robbed at gunpoint for their skateboard and all they do is talk spin, some serious character flaws are going on.


  1. Is that why the city is selling off its assets for pennies on the dollars like a crack hound

  2. The article was pretty lame. All blah blah about how a ton of people are now coming to the Downtown. No mention of how to get them there when no event is planned though. That's what democrats do. They are quite proficient at only telling half truths and half of the story and ignoring and pretending the big elephants in the rooms do not exist.

  3. Sure, you can put on a once a year night event and draw a big crowd, but what about what is NEEDED, day shoppers 7 days a week? The only downtowns that have that going for them don't have parking meters. Why do you think Wally World has no meters? Kmart? Save-a-lot? Food Lion? Giant? Twilley Center? I could go on.

    Cut 'em down, Jimbo. You are killing your own city.

  4. I really laughed at the proposal of making Parking lot 10 that the City drew up saying that the only thing going on there was a flea market on Saturdays.If any of the council would know what's going on it would know that the flea market is also on Sunday's and has always been so.


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