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Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-12-14

John Palmer says: Joe after twenty one years in the Navy I can say I am one who is not afraid to rock the boat and I've been wet plenty of times. This coming election is going to be very important to each individual here on the Shore. I would like to see this election be about issues that directly effect us and are caused directly by the elected officials right here in our own back yard. I would like to see facts about these issues and not just someone spouting off because they don't like Democrats or Republicans. If someone is not sure on an issue don't be afraid to ask for help. This website is a great venue to ask others for assistance. 

Here's an example. Earlier someone mentioned that Mr. Conway voted for the gun laws. I'm not sure but I thought that when the gun law bill was being pushed through he said he was not going to vote for it. So can someone verify what gun law they were talking about and did Mr. Conway actually vote for it? That answer would then become a fact. 

Now here's a fact. I believe we all know what our county dump sticker is. After it was put into effect I don't believe I've ever seen it go down. It always goes up. Who directly was responsible for the new increase which goes into effect this year? 

On Tuesday, May 21, 2013 the County Council met and this issue was presented. Three council members did not want to raise the fee. These were: Joe Holloway, Gail Bartkovich and Bob Culver. Four council members voted to increase the fee. These were: Matt Holloway, John Hall, Stevie Prettyman and Sample-Hughes. So here we have facts that show local elected officials raising fees right here in our own county. In this case the President or Governor had nothing to do with it. 

Joe, I would like to see a spot on your news that keeps a running list of this type of information so that the readers can contribute to it after they verify the facts. I believe these facts will determine the out come of the 2014 elections. The facts will speak for themselves.

Publishers Notes: John, I will do what I can to obtain the information you are requesting but let me openly say the following. 

In many cases the reason for the incredible success of Salisbury News is because of people like YOU. It is our VIEWERS that are the whistle blowers. We simply provide a platform to expose such information and people have come to learn that even though many elected officials attempt to defame us and or twist our finding, the viewers ultimately and quietly trust what we provide.

We are constantly coming across unreal stories that take time to research. We are working on one right now that will blow the minds of City and County residents. We will PROVE that the City and County are not only business unfriendly, we will prove they truly don't care about residential property owners as well. 

We will show that even after you have lived here for 30 or 40 years, they'll find ways to depreciate your home so low that you can't even sell it if you wanted to. I'm talking about GOOD PEOPLE who have lost EVERYTHING.

Will I be popular when we do publish such a story, absolutely not. Will I be able to go to the City and County and say, would you please consider advertising with Salisbury News, absolutely not. I can tell you that even after "Paying It Forward" last year with advertising donations it still cost me personally $7,000.00 to the IRS to keep Salisbury News going. 

We do this because we care. We continue because YOU need a platform to become educated about the truth AND to express your opinion on these matters. 

I'm looking forward to 2014.


  1. I know Jim Mathias from my working on the boardwalk days of the 70's early 80's. Jim surfed and I did get to know as a friend and someone I supported.

    Jim has seemed to change since he's been elected to a state office, and I always wonder if it's people like Norm Conway and Rudy Cane that influence the newly elected to follow a party line?

    Even as a friend, I can't honestly say that I think Jim represents me or my views any longer.

  2. Norm voted against the latest gun bill. But while Sheriff Lewis lent hus voice against it, Conway did not.

    His supporters need to concede one of two things:

    Either Delegate Conway is as powerful as you like to state, in which case he has to own not speaking up for our gun rights, against tax and spend policies, etc... Or he is a guy who was given a chair because he tows the O'Malley line and his only real power is in carrying out the O'Malley agenda.

    It's well known in Annapolis that Delegate Conway is in the pocket of O'Malley. Somehow he's able to convince voters in our area that he supports them, but he doesn't. He takes orders from the Governor's mansion, not the people he claims to serve.

  3. Who directly was responsible for the new increase which goes into effect this year?

    The Wicomico County Council is responsible. There final vote made it law.

  4. this is a fact. my council rep., Joe Holloway, always votes to save the taxpayers their hard earned dollars. I'm not going to say 100%, but at least 95% and way more than the others. thanks Joe for all the work you do for us.

  5. Mr. Palmer,
    If you are interested in where money is being spent, you might ask for an accounting of WCBOE money spent for contractual people. The list of salaried employees in the DT did not include those paid per hour. Some people just never leave the public trough.

  6. How are you supposed to operate a landfill with MDE required mandates without funding. It aint free to operate it. Do those that simply say no voice alternative measures to be able to do business without raising a particular fee? It costs money to construct cells at a landfill. It costs money to provide daily cover, it costs money to pick up materials from transfer stations and bring them to the big trash hill. Maybe instead of Joe Holloway taking the easy route and saying no to everything, he should offer an explanation on how we can do it without raising the fee. Oh, that would be too hard.

  7. 8:09PM It may be more difficult to specifically identify reasons for an increase.

    Has the population of the county increased to coincide with the increased fee?
    In the same context, have the costs of hauling the trash from the transfer stations increased at the same rate as the fee increase?
    Has the use of the transfer stations increased at the same rate also?
    Have the number of permits increased?
    It is easy to raise taxes and fees, but to provide detailed data justifying same, oh, that would be too hard! Your general statement about increased costs just doe not measure up.

  8. I think the point of the original comment is that it is asking Joe to publish just facts. When a reader posts something that he claims is a fact, without supporting evidence, no one knows if it is really true. He is asking Joe to do all the research, I guess because he trusts him. Joe cannot possibly do all that research himself, so he will end up posting things that aren't factual. You can't know it's true unless you do your own fact finding.


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