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Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-11-14

Jessica Adkins has left a new comment on your post "A Must Read: OBAMACARE":

For all the women with children, especially who are the primary breadwinners and MUST continue to work for health benefits, it is truly a sad situation. I am in this boat.....I don't have the option to stay home full time and raise and home-school my kids.

Now Obamacare and its penalties are the final nail in this coffin.

The alternative is that I go on welfare to live like I'd please at the cost of other taxpayers. I won't be a slug, so this is not an option....

****To all who post under anonymous, take credit for your thoughts and opinions. Start letting others know how you feel. This is still America, say what you believe and own it!****

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