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Thursday, January 23, 2014

5 Men Taken Into Custody As Suspects In 1978 Lufthansa Heist, FBI Says

Five suspects are in custody in the 1978 Lufthansa heist at New York’s JFK Airport, an FBI spokeswoman said, according to Reuters.



  1. great. "Goodfella's" will be ruined for me now

  2. WOW!! the feds were really on top of that one! only took 'em 36 years!!

  3. Joe Pesci's character is still dead

  4. Ah, statute of limitations on theft, robbery, is over!

  5. no its NSA spying on you and they going after you for petty crimes and make shit up to get you on bigger charges...

    Also, there is a statue of limitations so if this happened in the 70's then were well past that...

  6. they just want people in jail to make money... because jails are now privately owned...

  7. no statute of limitations on federal racketeering charges

  8. Now I know why a frined of mine who lives local was freaking out the last couple of days. It would not suprise me if he moves to another state with his wife and kids. Hell, he wanted me to hold over $50,000 for him in the form of a bank CD and was going to give me $20,000 to do it. I know I'm not the only one, I would not do it because of my job, but I will help him any other way I can because he is a good guy. Ha ha, you could say he is a Good Fella LOL!

  9. DB Cooper is most likely reading this.No body found means he got away in my opinion.


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