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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Stand with Phil And Support Free Speech

America used to be a free country. It was a nation in which religious liberty was so foundational to our nation's fabric that faith was an important principle embedded in the very first amendment in our Bill of Rights. It was all so simple: the GOVERNMENT could NOT prefer or prohibit an expression of religion. Religion was free to express; government was NOT free to infringe.

In recent days, a small, but vocal and militant group of same-sex marriage advocates have co-opted religious liberty to force industry and government to go beyond tolerating homosexuality, but to APPROVE it. Any deviation from Biblical and traditional marriage is to be embraced, but there is no deviation tolerated from those who want to force acceptance, approval, and activism of same sex marriage. 

A&E network found a successful formula to save it financially from its original goal of "Arts and Entertainment." Reality shows have turned it into a cash cow, but none of its shows has ever rocketed it to the stratosphere of green and gold like its most popular show ever, "Duck Dynasty." While the elites have never understood its popularity in "fly over" country, those of us who live in the part of America where we actually practice tolerance, but not totalitarianism, Duck Dynasty was never about the beards or the hunting, but the strongly knit sense of family that the Robertson clan embodied. They live life with a free-wheeling joy. They are not straight-laced snobs or Puritans, but people who laugh, play, and yes, who pray. They reflect a family who loves each other. And they also reflect a view of marriage that is common to many who haven't found the Bible to be a "do it yourself" journal where one writes in a view that fits a lifestyle rather than to accept the Bible as a standard for life.

For this network to toss Phil Robertson off of TV because he believed something and said what he believed, this network is insulting and snobbing the millions of Americans who hold the same view, albeit perhaps expressed in less graphic terms.

Why is it that Muslims are not ostracized or banned from the public square when their views are far more harsh and intolerant of homosexuality? Most Christians I know (including me) are respectful and tolerant of those who are homosexual and engage in friendship with, employment with, and social interaction with people who are openly gay. Is it no longer possible to accept people and love them as friends, but not love a behavior? I have friends who accept me and love me, but think I'm a religious nut for believing the Bible and in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Are the militant homosexuals so insecure so they are incapable of accepting that not everyone finds same sex marriage to be actual marriage.

Let's stand up FOR free speech and FOR freedom of faith. If we don't, we will one day be told by the government what we can and can't say or believe. It starts in the marketplace. It ends when it gets enforced by the state. We're getting close. I stand for free speech. Do you?

Traffic Lights Out On Route 50 In Parsonsburg Due To An Accident

Parsonsburg | Wicomico | RT 50 & Walston Switch Rd | Single vehicle vs traffic control box | Traffic control box completely destroyed. Traffic lights out in all directions. Waiting on SHA to respond. | #07

Non-Citizens Caught Voting In 2012 Presidential Election In Key Swing State

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election -- and has referred the case for possible prosecution.

The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state. By law, only American citizens are allowed the privilege of casting ballots for the nation's leaders.

Ohio officials say that did not stop some from getting around the system.

"I have a responsibility to uphold election law, and under both federal and state law you must be a citizen to vote," said Husted, a Republican who has aggressively tried to investigate voter fraud cases in his state.

Husted also found that 274 non-citizens remain on the voting rolls.


Obamacare Jumps The Shark With 'Gay' Christmas

NEW YORK – In an effort to woo a demographic the White House considers key to the success of Obamacare, a campaign called Out2Enroll has produced a video commercial that will test the sensibilities of many Americans who might otherwise be tolerant of the homosexual-rights movement.

While the Christmas-themed ad sponsored by major left-wing groups may be “gay” in every sense of the word, its aim is serious, as the White House is aware that a disproportionate number of homosexual Americans are uninsured and qualify for premium subsidies under Obamacare

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William & Mary Student Raped On Way To Grocery Store

A College of William & Mary student told police she was hit and sexually assaulted Tuesday night after she left her apartment in the 100 block of Sterling Manor Drive and headed to a store for groceries.

The attack happened off campus, less than a mile north of the college's School of Education, according to a campus alert sent by Ginger Ambler, vice president of student affairs.


Breaking News: The Obama Administration Announces It Will Potentially Allow Hundreds Of Thousands Of People To Sign Up For "Catastrophic" Coverage Plans, A Move The Insurance Industry Claims Will Cause "Tremendous Instability."

The Obama administration, in an 11th-hour change just before the holiday break,announced a major exemption in ObamaCare that will let people who lost coverage and are struggling to get a new plan sign up for bare-bones policies.

The move Thursday to allow potentially hundreds of thousands of people to sign up for "catastrophic" coverage plans was blasted by the insurance industry as a shift that would cause "tremendous instability.”

The administration downplayed the sudden change, saying they expected it to impact fewer than 500,000 people.


A judge in Houston has slapped down lesbian Mayor Annise Parker’s decision to give benefits to spouses of same-sex couples who were married in other jurisdictions, issuing a temporary restraining order.

The ruling from Judge Lisa Millard found that “imminent and irreparable” injury would be imposed on the plaintiffs without the order. The court’s next hearing on the case is Jan. 6.

WND reported earlier this month accusations that Parker was instituting “mob rule” in Houston.

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Obama’s NSA Review Panel Calls Phone-Snooping An Abuse Of Patriot Act

President Obama’s internal review panel has accused the government of abusing the Patriot Act and said many of the intelligence community’s key tools should be reined in, including the NSA’s phone-snooping program and the FBI’s use of national security letters to demand secret information from private businesses, according to the stunning report released Wednesday.

The panel told Mr. Obama to scrap the National Security Agency’s phone-records collection program, saying it’s an infringement of privacy, and said the government instead should ask phone companies to store the records. The NSA would be able to ask for the records only when it deems national security is at stake.

CryoSat Satellite Finds Arctic Ice Increased 50% In Volume

Polar sea ice increased 50% over last year, growing from 6,000 to 9,000 cubic kilometers when compared to the same period in 2012. Moreover, this year’s multi-year ice is 30 cm thicker than last year, and scientists claim that thick, multi-year ice indicates healthy Arctic sea-ice cover.

The results were revealed by the European Space Agency (ESA) CryoSat satellite mission. The CryoSat-2 was launched in April 2010 and is designed to measure sea-ice thickness across the entire Arctic Ocean. The satellite’s findings indicate that the volume of Arctic sea ice has increased substantially.

These findings prove to be at odds with Al Gore's predictions back in 2009 when he spoke at the United Nations Climate Change Conference. Gore stated that computer models reflect "that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polarized cap during some of the summer months could be completely ice free during the next 5-7 years."



ANNAPOLIS – Maryland food banks tend to see an influx of families during the holiday season, but this year local pantries are seeing more people in need because of cuts to food stamps. Now, food pantries are counting on donations from the community to keep supplies stocked.

“We always see an increase [in need] around the holiday,” said Kate Sam, spokeswoman for the Maryland Food Bank, based in Baltimore. “This occurs all year-round year-round, and it’s grown a lot over the last five years since the recession. Our distribution has more than tripled since 2007.”

Sam said that this year has been especially tough for families, which was evident, she said, by the numbers.

Newark’s Carjacking Epidemic

Short Hills, New Jersey (My9NJ) -The two suspects wanted for the recent shooting of a young lawyer in front of his wife during a carjacking gone terribly wrong at Short Hills Mall, are still at large.

The couples' stolen SUV was found the following day abandoned in Newark and New Jersey’s largest city ranks among the top in the nation for vehicle thefts.

There are about 400 carjackings a year in Essex County alone. While Los Angeles and New York rank high in carjackings, Newark takes the cake.

In fact, people in Newark are known for posting videos of stolen cars doing drag races, donuts and drifting in the streets. Often times, in the videos, you can see cop cars chasing the reckless divers on the city’s main streets.

Critics say that more needs to be done to stop this from happening.


Duck Dynasty: It’s Not About The First Amendment

Daniel D’Addario, writing for uber-liberal Salon, is correct. The Duck Dynasty imbroglio is not about the First Amendment. A&E has the right to suspend whatever actor or television show it deems appropriate for its business. “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one,” said A. J. Liebling, highlighting what should be common sense.

D’Addario takes Sarah Palin and other conservatives to task for citing the First Amendment in the debate over Phil Robertson’s comments about his sexual preference and religion published in Esquire magazine. Palin was certainly off base, but notice D’Addario does not touch on the real issue here — the left activist and corporate media sanctified homosexual agenda currently masquerading as the next human rights campaign.

For many Democrats and libs, rejection of homosexuality along religious lines, as expressed by Robertson, is a hate crime little different than the hate crime of Nazis shuffling Jews off to death camps. The absurdity of this is imperceptible to the average liberal. In order to make up for this supposed prejudice, liberals insist gays must be granted special rights by the government. Special government granted rights for one preferential group, of course, necessitates a diminishment of rights of another group.


Pennsylvania Pastor Defrocked After Performing Son's Gay Wedding

United Methodist church officials defrocked a pastor from central Pennsylvania on Thursday who officiated his son's gay wedding in Massachusetts, a move seen as contradictory to the denomination's beliefs.

The Rev. Frank Schaefer of Lebanon had already been suspended when he met with church officials to determine whether he would continue as a pastor.

Schaefer had been told to resign from the clergy by Thursday if he could not follow the denomination's Book of Discipline. But Schaefer has said the book discriminates against gay people and vowed this week that he would not voluntarily surrender his credentials.


The Case That Could Topple Obamacare

Obamacare may have its problems, including more bugs than you can find in the cornfields of Nebraska, but its legal worries were meant to end after the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate, the heart of the Affordable Care Act.

Now, as the technologists charged with making healthcare.gov work report progress, lawyers are re-entering the fray. A little-heard of challenge currently making its way through the court system may represent opponents’ last best hope of, as they are fond of saying, driving a stake through the heart of the law.

It all started in 2011, when Jonathan H. Adler, a conservative law professor at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, shot an email to his friend Michael Cannon, a health policy expert at the libertarian Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. Adler thought he had spotted an error in Obamacare that could unravel a significant portion of the law.



Ted Nugent declares, 'The gift of firepower is the gift that never stops giving'

With the Christmas shopping orgy well under way, never forget that the ultimate gifts that keep on giving throughout life for young and old are guns.

For the young boys and girls, cap guns and holsters, nerf guns, toy bows and arrows with the suction cup arrows and other assorted toy guns and associated accessories are the obvious choice.

Whatever you do, don’t forget to teach your rootin’ tootin’ boys and girls how to quick draw their cap guns and how to twirl them on one finger Roy Rogers style.
Read more

Judge Blasts Obama Governance By ‘Secret Law’

On the heels of a decision ruling a key provision of the Obama administration's secret domestic surveillance program unconstitutional, another judge has hit the president for secrecy and ordered the administration to open the books. U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle, a Clinton appointee, blasted the administration for trying keep secret a memo on foreign aid, writing: “The government appears to adopt the cavalier attitude that the President should be permitted to convey orders throughout the Executive Branch without public oversight...to engage in what is in effect governance by ‘secret law.’” More from McClatchy.

What’s the deal on your data? - As the president tries to cut a deal with some of his top political backers about how much data tech firms will share with the government, is the president really looking out for you? It’s a fair question given his administration’s unprecedented penchant for secrecy. The president’s focus seems to be on restoring his reputation for technological competency and cool in the aftermath of ObamaCare’s crash landing. But given the frustrations among his tech patrons over Obama’s heavy-handed NSA tactics and obtuse health insurance system, what is Obama prepared to give away to get back in their good graces?

[ Noonan: “Most of the Obama people just don’t have a background in executing. They have a background in communicating, not doing.”]



Oral health advocates say Maryland’s health insurance exchange and insurance providers are not doing enough to inform consumers about children’s dental benefits guaranteed by the Affordable Care Act.

Potential enrollees are unable to view detailed information about what dental benefits are included in a medical care plan until they purchase it, making comparison shopping on the state’s health exchange website difficult.

The brief descriptions of dental care offerings on the site are misleading, said Colin Reusch, the senior policy analyst for the Children’s Dental Health Project, because insured children ages 19 or younger are guaranteed more than just a simple check-up.


Kitchen Fire In Local Restaurant Injures Two

(December 19, 2013) – On Thursday, December 19, 2013, at approximately 12 p.m., Ocean City Communications received a call for a report of a burn injury to two employees at Seacrets.  Ocean City Fire Department personnel responded to the scene, which was located on 49th Street and Coastal Highway, and found no fire upon their arrival.
According to witnesses, two Seacrets employees were injured while operating a gas stove in the kitchen area of the restaurant.  Crews from the Ocean City Fire Department transported the patients to Peninsula Regional Medical Center.  The patients, whose names are not being released, were later transported to Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center for non-life threating injuries.
“The initial investigation indicates that the victims were injured by a brief flash fire,” said Ocean City Fire Marshal Captain Josh Bunting.  “The cause of the fire has been ruled accidental.”
There was no damage done to the structure of the building. According to officials at Seacrets, the bar will remain open tonight, however; the restaurant is not expected to open until tomorrow morning.  The investigation will be completed by the Ocean City Fire Marshal’s Office.

More Questionable Donations From State Contractors To O’Malley Led Organization

Change Maryland has released new information that seems to reveal the appearance of a "pay-to-play" system within the O’Malley-Brown Administration where contractors received significant benefits from the state either before or after their donations to the Democratic Governors Association during Governor O’Malley’s tenure as its chairman.
"This additional data further suggests a disturbing pattern of behavior that, at the very least, is unethical and inappropriate," said Larry Hogan, Chairman of Change Maryland.  "I think the public has a right to know the truth about these practices. Did the governor and/or others in his administration solicit large contributions from contractors, then reciprocate by rewarding those donors with huge state contracts, contract extensions, or other special favors or decisions in return?" he added.
Obviously this has serious implications and gives the appearance of the potential for decisions being influenced by millions of dollars in "donations." Recognizing the inappropriate and unethical nature of these relationships, state law currently prohibits state contractors from making contributions to an elected official's campaign account. This evidence indicates the possibility of a deliberate, coordinated effort by this administration to circumvent the intent of the law by soliciting huge, unlimited contributions to a federal, rather than state, account.
The report released today by Change Maryland shows that healthcare services company Express Scripts received a $2.3 billion contract despite serious concerns about the company’s legal issues in Maryland and 28 other states.  In 2008, the company paid over $9.3 billion in settlement costs to these states. 
From March 2011 to February 2012, the Maryland Board of Public Works was deciding whether to approve the lucrative contract to Express Scripts to provide prescription drug services to state employees.  In March 2011, two of the three members voted to postpone a decision out of concerns about the company’s legal issues and several flaws in the procurement process.  Governor O’Malley was the lone vote to move forward with the contract. 
During this same time, Medco – a company looking to merge with Express Scripts – donated a combined $225,000 to the DGA.  In fact, their first contribution came just six days after Governor O’Malley cast the lone vote to move forward with the drug contract.
In late January 2012, the Board of Public Works again voted to delay the contract award, drawing significant criticism from Governor O’Malley at the time who complained about the endless delays.  One month later, the BPW reversed course, awarding the contract to Express Scripts in a two to one vote.  On March 27, 2012, Medco made their second and final donation to the DGA: $125,000.  Medco and Express Scripts received final Federal Trade Commission (FTC) approval for their merger on April 2, 2012.
"Maryland’s working families deserve better from their elected leaders," Hogan said. "This is what happens when you have an arrogant monopoly that feels they can get away with anything. What Maryland desperately needs is a healthy and competitive two party system, open and honest debate, and some real checks and balances to keep some of these outrageous abuses from taking place."
In addition to this most recent research, Change Maryland released other questionable contributions from state contractors to the DGA, including:
  • $375,000 from United Healthcare Services in 2011. Since 2008, the state Department of Mental Health and Hygiene has paid UHS over $2 billion in state contracts.
  • $125,370 from 2009-2011 from Scientific Games Management Corporation, a gaming corporation that provides services to state lotteries. While SGMC donated $25,000 in 2009, they doubled their contribution in 2010 and 2011. In 2011, Governor O'Malley and the Board of Public Works approved a contract extension with the company.
  • $10,000 from Beowulf Energy in 2011. Beowulf is interested in building an offshore wind farm off the coast of Maryland. In 2013, Governor O'Malley signed his signature wind legislation into law.
  • $30,000 from Colorado Energy, a company with ties to Beowulf Energy, in June of 2011. In July of 2011, the Maryland Board of Public Works approved a lease of 250 acres of former state prison land to Maryland Solar, a company created by Beowulf Energy.

Change Maryland is the state’s largest and fastest-growing grassroots organization. Founded by Hogan in 2011, the nonpartisan group is dedicated to advocating for fiscally responsible, common sense government. Change Maryland currently has over 70,000 members – Republicans Democrats, and Independents – from every county in the state. The organization is continuing its investigation and hopes to release its full report on DGA contributions in January 2014.

Maryland Will Administer Over $96M In U.S. Grants To Develop Common Core Tests

Maryland is taking on a significant fiscal role in developing the tests that will assess students based on Common Core curriculum standards, agreeing to administer $96 million in federal grants to create the tests.

The Board of Public Works approved the contract for the State Department of Education to administer the U.S. grant. Gov. Martin O’Malley said the contract was being done at the request of U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, after Florida decided to stop overseeing the funding.

The tests are being developed for 18 states and the District of Columbia as part of the implementation of new college and career readiness standards usually referred to as Common Core.

Why We Must Fight Back

I’m not sure which exhibit it was at the Checkpoint Charlie Museum in Berlin that brought me up short, but it was during my visit there last November that it dawned on me why I do what I do. Was it the photo montage of Jutta Gallus, the East German mother who was forcibly separated from her two young daughters for several years and who protested at Checkpoint Charlie every single day during that time, finally being reunited when she won their freedom? Or maybe it was the exhibit of the two windsurfing boards mounted back to back atop a car in such a way that a person could lie between them invisibly in order to escape from East Berlin? Maybe it was the photos of Peter Fechter, the 18-year-old man who was shot going over the Wall and died over the next hour, lying there, screaming for those nearby to help, nobody able to do anything as they, too, would be shot.


Public Notice Of Cancellation



Breaking News: Gas Grill Explosion In Ocean City

Ocean City Fire and Ems are on the scene at Seacrets on 49th Street. There seems to have been a gas grill explode with 2 subjects burned, one with serious burns


“Duck Dynasty on TheBlaze” has a nice ring to it, according to Glenn Beck.

One day after Phil Robertson’s comments about homosexuality earned him an indefinite suspension from the hit series “Duck Dynasty” on A&E, Beck offered the entire Robertson family a place on his own network.

“[All the other networks] will fold to pressure,” he said. “They will all fold to sponsors. They will all fold to money because they are all in over their eyeballs are debt … the only reason why Phil was put on hiatus and not the rest is because it is a money-printing machine.”

Beck said as he sees it, the Robertson family has a choice to make.

A Lifelong Fight Against Trans Fats

In 1957, a fledgling nutrition scientist at the University of Illinois persuaded a hospital to give him samples of arteries from patients who had died of heart attacks.

When he analyzed them, he made a startling discovery. Not surprisingly, the diseased arteries were filled with fat — but it was a specific kind of fat. The artificial fatty acids called trans fats, which come from the hydrogen-treated oils used in processed foods like margarine, had crowded out other types of fatty acids.

The scientist, Fred Kummerow, followed up with a study that found troubling amounts of artery-clogging plaque in pigs given a diet heavy in artificial fats. He became a pioneer of trans-fat research, one of the first scientists to assert a link between heart disease and processed foods.

It would be more than three decades before those findings were widely accepted — and five decades before the Food and Drug Administration decided that trans fats should be eliminated from the food supply, as it proposed in a rule issued last month.


You Won't Believe Where UPS Left This Package

Tracey Sole, a mother in Barnhart, Missouri was understandably upset when she read a UPS InfoNotice indicating that the new tablet she purchased for her daughter’s Christmas gift was left, “In Black Trash Can.” The delivery was made on garbage pickup day and when Tracey looked in her black trash can for the delivery, it was nowhere to be found.

She told KTVI Fox 2, “I was crying all night last night. I was like, I came home and I, I mean, I saved for months to get that for my daughter and then for them to just throw it in the trash.” She explained that the family keeps their trash can on the curb because of ice on their steep driveway. Tracey figured that because the bin was empty, the driver probably thought the trash had already been picked up.


Mortgage Applications Collapse To New 13-Year Low

Despite yesterday's exuberant spike in optimism from the NAHB sentiment index to 8 year highs, the delusion from reality appears to growing ever wider. This morning's "if we build them, they will buy'em" false headline spike in housing starts (seasonally-adjusted) [6] is yet another delusional divergence as the mortgage applications index collapses (down 60% from 2013 highs) to a new 13-year low.

New 13-year lows in mortgage applications...


Teachers Challenge Compulsory Union Dues

California plaintiffs hope their case ends up in the Supreme Court.

Over the past 26 years, Rebecca Friedrichs has been forced, as a condition of her employment, to pay tens of thousands of dollars to a private organization whose actions she largely does not support. As an elementary-school teacher in the Savanna School District of Buena Park, Calif., she has more than $1,000 automatically taken out of her salary every year and given to teachers’ unions. Faced with year after year of compulsory payments, Friedrichs is now on a path to end this union coercion.

As the lead plaintiff in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, which has recently left the U.S. District Court for California’s Central District and will soon be on its way to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Friedrichs argues that forcing her to financially support union activism for political agendas she disagrees with violates her First Amendment rights.


Committee Approves 4% Maryland Budget Hike For Next Year

The General Assembly’s Spending Affordability Committee recommended Wednesday that next year’s state budget be allowed to grow by 4% and Maryland’s debt limit be allowed to increase $75 million to $1.16 billion next year.

The recommendations, which are not binding on the governor but are often followed, were approved by the joint committee of legislative and fiscal leaders on straight party-line votes. Republicans backed no increase in spending and no hike in the debt limit.

Sen. Richard Madaleno, a Montgomery County Democrat on the Budget & Taxation Committee, led the charge for higher spending, while Senate Minority Leader David Brinkley, a Frederick County Republican also on the budget committee, advocated for fiscal restraint.


A Salvation Army bell ringer in Phoenix, Ariz., was in for a big — and painful — surprise when she said “Happy Holidays” to a woman entering a local Wal-Mart.

Kristina Vindiola told KNXV-TV that she was assaulted by a passerby after offering up the seasonal greeting.

“The lady looked at me. I thought she was going to put money in the kettle,” Vindiola told the outlet. “She came up to me and said, ‘Do you believe in God?’ And she says, ‘You’re supposed to say Merry Christmas,’ and that’s when she hit me (in the arm).”




That’s how one headline is describing why “Duck Dynasty” stars Phil and Jase Robertson will not appear on a Barbara Walters ABC special Wednesday night. According to that article on Radar Online, the father-son duo “opted to go hunting instead, much to the veteran journalist’s chagrin.”

But the family tells TheBlaze that there was “no disrespect intended.”

Family spokesman and the eldest Robertson, Alan, said some of the family was in New York in November for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and to film Walters’ ”The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2013,” among other things, but that Phil and Jase didn’t come on the trip.

“They simply didn’t want to miss three days of hunting to do everything we had planned,” Alan wrote in an email to TheBlaze. “As a family, we were very honored to be recognized on the [Walters] list and there was no disrespect intended by us.”


Facebook Bans Phil Roberson Support Page Administrator for 12 hours.

UPDATE: The administrator of this page was banned for next 12 hours because this page generated 4.5K likes in "1 hour." People you are getting the word out! Continue to spread that we will boycott A&E until Phil Robertson is put back Duck Dynasty.

If A&E doesn't care about their revenue stream that DD was giving them, then let's help them know care by boycotting them - Wayne Dupree Show

Editors Note:  This facebook page was started 15 hours ago and already has over 470,000 likes. 

12:50pm This facebook page now has over 512K likes 

1:50pm Likes are up to 557K 

3:10 Likes are now up to 606K.  They now have more likes on their page in less than 24 hours than A&Es has since 2008.  A&E has 584K likes.


The Real Numbers Behind America's Phony Recovery

Today is the big day. Investors are on the edges of their seats, waiting to find out what the Fed will do. Taper? No taper? Or maybe it will taper on the tapering off?

Our guess is the Fed will not commit to a serious program of reducing its support to the bond, equity and housing markets. It's too dangerous. Ben Bernanke – the man who didn't see the housing crash coming – won't want to see the stock market collapse just before he leaves office. He'll want to go out on a high note…

…and that means guaranteeing more liquidity.

Investors don't seem worried. On Monday, the Dow rose 130 points. Gold was up $10 an ounce. Most of the reports we read tell us the economy is improving. Unemployment is going down. Meanwhile, manufacturing levels are rising. Compared to Europe, the US is a powerhouse of growth and innovation, they say. Compared to emerging markets, it is a paragon of stability and confidence.

How much do investors love the US? Let us count the ways:

1. GDP per capita is running 7% – ahead of where it was in 2007. Among the world's major developed economies only Germany can boast of anything close. All the rest are falling behind.

2. The budget deficit – which was running at about 10% of GDP – is now down to just 4% of GDP.

3. Unemployment is going down, too. Heck, just 7 out of 100 Americans are officially jobless. Didn't Bernanke say he would tighten up when it hit that level?

4. And look at prices. Consumer price inflation is running at just 1% over the last 12 months. No threat from inflation, either.


'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson Suspended By A&E

"Duck Dynasty" dad Phil Robertson has been placed on indefinite suspension by the A&E Network following his recent comments on homosexuality, the network announced Wednesday night.

"We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson's comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty," the network said in a statement.

"His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely."

OCPD Press Release 12-19-13


Officer Erica Specht, Chief Ross Buzzuro,
Officer Jacob Fetterolf
On December 17, 2013, two new Ocean City Police Department officers graduated from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy’s 71st police academy class.

Officers were formally recognized as certified police officers of the Ocean City Police Department, after 24 weeks, approximately 950 hours of intense training. The recruit class stemmed from various law enforcement agencies throughout Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

These officers continued the long established tradition of OCPD officers by graduating from the police academy with top honors. Officer Erica Specht earned both the Physical Fitness Award and Pistol Expert Award. Officer Jacob Fetterolf also earned the Pistol Expert Award and was recognized for having an overall 100% for pistol proficiency during the course.

“Each of the two new officers we welcomed this week is a perfect example of what we look for in new police recruits,” said Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro. “We are very confident that they will serve the Ocean City community with honor, integrity and pride.”

After their graduation from the police academy, the two new officers will enter into a nine week field training program. During this time, they will hone the skills they have acquired in the police academy under the direct supervision of a veteran OCPD field training officer. They will be routinely evaluated and critiqued on their performance and will be exposed to the various shifts and divisions that make up the OCPD.


Michael Newcomb, Damian Priznar, Chief Ross
Buzzuro, Ashley Clark
On December 16, 2013, three Ocean City Police Department Public Safety Assistants graduated from the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy’s jail and corrections officer academy.

This is the first time that the OCPD has sent Public Safety Aides that work primarily in a corrections capacity to the Academy. This is in an effort to improve our detention facility and properly train our employees that staff it.

Public Safety Aides Ashley Clark, Michael Newcomb and Damian Priznar each completed over six weeks (263 hours) of intense training at the Academy. Ashley Clark was recognized for completing the Academy at the top of her class with an academic average of 95.7%.

“The OCPD has numerous employees who work primarily in our detention section that have many of the same duties as a correctional officer,” said Captain Greg Guiton, commander of the Support Services Division which includes the Detention Section. “This training will prove to be tremendously beneficial to our employees and our detention section as a whole.”

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Skipped Barbara Walters’ ‘Most Fascinating’ Interview To Go Duck hunting

Duck Commander Robertson skipped Walters‘ “Most Fascinating People” interview to answer the call of the wild: duck hunting trumped Barbara WaWa and her zen-like questioning.

Barbara Walters is a smart lady. Surely she could have had one of her researchers determine the dates of duck hunting season in Louisiana and schedule around the season? How tough would that be?

I googled and had the answer in less than 10 seconds.


Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster

The rotunda in the Wisconsin State Capital building is getting a little crowded. After religious groups set up a nativity display, the Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics group responded with a "Festivus" pole, and a "Winter Solstice Nativity" scene featuring Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, and Charles Darwin. And now, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is also represented among the holiday display. Annie Laurie Gaylor of the Freedom from Religion Foundation said, "The rotunda is getting very cluttered, but if a devotional nativity display is allowed, then there must be 'room at the inn' for all points of view." The newest display features a poster of the Flying Spaghetti Monster which reads, "he boiled for your sins" and "be touched by his noodly appendage, before it's too late!" And, in anticipation of the "war on Christmas" rhetoric, the sign also reads, "Think this is ridiculous? We agree! Religious ideas should not be promoted within the halls of government. Protect the separation of church and state, it protects us all." But, it's safe to say that Fox so-called News will ignore that logic... and go right back to their top story about Santa's skin tone.

How Can ANYONE Resist

Incredible people doing incredible things for our community. 

After shopping all evening and constantly dropping money into buckets in each location I visited I came across this Family just outside Sam't Club and I just couldn't resist reaching into my wallet once again.

THIS is how we raise children and set examples and believe me, they loved being there. 

Thank You Volunteers and Thank You Salvation Army for ALL that you do. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Larry Klayman In Huge CNN Smackdown

Conservative legal activist Larry Klayman got into an argument on CNN with host Don Lemon and legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin when he was brought on to discuss his victory this week in a lawsuit challenging NSA surveillance, resulting in Lemon cutting him off the screen and Klayman comparing Lemon to disgraced former MSNBC host Martin Bashir.

Klayman’s appearance Tuesday night on CNN was preceded by a profile of him that included a quotation from a former George W. Bush staffer saying his lawsuits were about “fighting for himself and his own, in my opinion, delusions of grandeur.”


Government To Give Soldiers $80. More Per Month For Rent

The basic military housing allowance will rise about 5 percent in 2014. That translates to $80 more for rent each month. Cheryl Anne Woehr is the Pentagon's program manager for the Basic Housing Allowance. She says the higher rates will cost the Pentagon an additional $20 billion next year. Housing allowances vary by pay grade, family situation and location. They are derived from surveys of local housing costs and vacancy rates. Not every place will go up. Rents have fallen in Sacramento, Calif., and Yuma, Ariz. Rates will also drop at Altus Air Force Base, Okla.

Awe, Poor Babies!

When it comes to paychecks, federal employees keep falling behind people doing the same jobs in the private sector. It's slightly worse this year than last year. Data presented at a Federal Salary Council meeting shows feds earn, on average, 35 percent less than private-sector counterparts. A 1 percent raise next year could narrow the gap a little bit. These latest numbers come from the Office of Personnel Management and the Labor Department. But the pay gap is widely disputed. Several think tanks have looked at the issue and come up with widely varying conclusions.

'Duck Dynasty' Star Ignites Wrath Of 'Gays'

Hold on to your feathers.

A major national flap has just been sparked by “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson, who calls homosexuality illogical, while proffering his male viewpoint preferring female anatomy to that of other men.

“It seems like, to me, a vagina – as a man – would be more desirable than a man’s anus, ” says Phil Robertson. “That’s just me. I’m just thinking: There’s more there! She’s got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I’m saying? But hey, sin: It’s not logical, my man. It’s just not logical.”

Robertson’s comments came in an interview with GQ magazine, where he championed biblical values and the battle against breaking God’s commandments.

Read more

Oh, Brother: Here Come Facebook’s New Video Ads… That Autoplay In Your Feed

Let’s get the grumbling out of the way now: Yes, Facebook is testing new video ads and yes, they will autoplay in both your desktop and mobile feeds. But hey, at least the sound won’t be on until you click on it, so, yay?

The only way to get through these ads without watching them silently is to scroll past them on your feed, writes Facebook in a post announcing the news. Once you can’t see the video anymore, it stops playing.

Right now there are three kinds of sources these videos will come from: “Individuals (personal Facebook accounts or verified Pages); Some Pages, like those of entertainers and sports organizations; Summit Entertainment’s content for Divergent.”


Airport Security Guard Makes Diving Catch To Save Baby From Falling On His Head

While it’s probably highly likely that there are babies tumbling or falling down somewhere in the world at any given moment — babies do not have the best balance, after all — it’s not so often that one witnesses a bystander diving in to save a tippy toddler just in the nick of time.

An observant airport security guard in Poland is being lauded for his quick reflexes after security footage shows him diving to the ground to catch a kid, whose father had set him down on the screening table next to him, reports The Telegraph (linked video autoplays, you can also watch below).


The Crony Obama Donors In Charge Of DHS

Dirty Harry Reid sabotaged the filibuster, and now the Democrats are running wild in Washington. Mark my words: We all will pay a price. Thanks to Reid's crony-coddling rule change, unqualified stooges will manage the Obama Department of Homeland Security. It's a bundler's world, and we're just living in it. God help us.

On Monday night, Senate Democrats voted 57-37 to end debate on the nomination of Jeh Johnson to head DHS. That's three votes short of the traditional 60-vote filibuster threshold that Reid nuked last month. Johnson went on to win his appointment by a 78-16 margin. The White House performed its Snoopy happy dance soon after, with President Obama declaring Johnson "a strong leader with a deep understanding of the threats we face and a proven ability to work across agencies and complex organizations to keep America secure."

DHS employs 240,000 people and boasts a $40 billion budget. Johnson, unlike his most recent predecessors, has never actually held an executive position governing a state or managing a complex organization. Let me summarize his relevant experience in border security, port security, airport security or immigration enforcement: Zero. Zip. Nada.


SFD Calls For Service 12-18-13

  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 23:54:33Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 428 Hammond St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 21:23:50Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 200 Civic Ave Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 20:52:57Nature: Pro Qa EmsCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 20:06:52Nature: LacerationCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 18:12:52Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 17:45:35Nature: Automatic AlarmAddress: 926 Snow Hill Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 17:22:00Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 14:01:59Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 12:24:42Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 11:29:49Nature: Non BreathingAddress: 1002 Beaglin Park Dr Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 11:29:49Nature: Non BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 10:14:25Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 10:01:38Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 08:50:02Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 07:21:39Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 07:14:59Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 06:47:00Nature: Pi AccidentAddress: 1110 Johnson Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 06:46:59Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 06:38:19Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 06:22:37Nature: Pi AccidentAddress: Salisbury Byp and zion Rd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 06:17:47Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 04:12:15Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 01:25:08Nature: InjuryCity: Salisbury
  • Wednesday December, 18 2013 @ 01:06:44Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury

Democrat: Investigate Every Homeschool Parent

Proposal gives nearly unlimited power to 'unqualified' social workers

A proposal by a state senator in Ohio, Cafri Cafaro, a Democrat, would require every homeschooling parent in Ohio to be investigated – and approved of – by various social services agencies before they would be allowed to teach their own children

And officials with the Home School Legal Defense Association say it is the “worst-ever homeschool law proposed.”

“SB 248 is breathtakingly onerous in its scope,” says a report assembled by Michael Donnelly, an attorney with the world’s premiere homeschool advocacy organization. “It requires all parents who homeschool to undergo a social services investigation, which would ultimately determine if homeschooling would be permitted. Social workers would have to interview parents and children separately, conduct background checks and determine whether homeschooling is recommended or not.

“If it is not recommended, parents would have to submit to an ‘intervention’ before further consideration of their request to homeschool.”

The proposal was offered as a response to the child abuse death of Teddy Foltz-Tedesco, 14, who reportedly had been abused for years by his mother’s boyfriend, Zaryl Bush.

And while that certainly is a tragic case, the marginal involvement of homeschool was not the reason for the tragedy, HSLDA explained.


ICE ERO Deports Former Maryland Nursing Assistant Convicted Of Sexually Assaulting Patient

BALTIMORE – A Haitian national residing in Salisbury, Md., convicted of multiple sexual assaults including that of a patient under his care, was turned over to Haitian law enforcement representatives Tuesday by officers from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO).

Joel Monfort, 53, was transported via an ICE Air Operations charter aircraft, escorted by ERO officers, to the Port-au-Prince International Airport in Haiti.

Monfort’s removal to Haiti comes less than a month after his arrest by ERO Baltimore under Salisbury’s Criminal Alien Program. Monfort, who entered the country illegally, attempted to gain immigration status in 1996 with a fraudulent marriage. However, on March 20, 2000, his conditional lawful permanent residency status was terminated and he was placed in removal proceedings. He failed to appear for a removal hearing July 5, 2000, in Newark, N.J., and was ordered removed in absentia by an immigration judge.

On Sept. 28, 2001, Monfort was convicted of second-degree assault and sex offense in Salisbury and was sentenced to 12 months in prison. On Feb. 13, 2004 he was again convicted of second-degree assault and sentenced to 10 years in prison This time Monfort was found guilty of sexually assaulting a motorcycle accident victim, who he was caring for as a nursing assistant at Salisbury’s Peninsula Regional Medical Center.

Prosecutors Reportedly Delay Deciding Whether To Charge Va. Gov McDonnell

Federal prosecutors investigating Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell in connection with a gift scandal have reportedly delayed asking a grand jury to charge the Republican and his wife after a face-to-face appeal to the Justice Department from attorneys for the couple.

The Washington Post reported late Wednesday that Dana J. Boente, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, had informed the McDonnells' legal team that he planned to ask for an indictment no later than this past Monday. However, after meeting with Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole on December 12, the lawyers were told that the decision to press charges would be put on hold. The Post also reported that a decision whether to press charges is not expected before January 2.


Former Top NSA Official: “We Are Now In A Police State”

Bill Binney is the high-level NSA executive who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information. A 32-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency, Binney was the senior technical director within the agency and managed thousands of NSA employees.

Binney has been interviewed by virtually all of the mainstream media, including CBS, ABC, CNN, New York Times, USA Today, Fox News, PBS and many others.

Last year, Binney held his thumb and forefinger close together, and said:

We are, like, that far from a turnkey totalitarian state.

But today, Binney told Washington’s Blog that the U.S. has already become a police state.

By way of background, the government is spying on virtually everything we do.
