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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Awe, Poor Babies!

When it comes to paychecks, federal employees keep falling behind people doing the same jobs in the private sector. It's slightly worse this year than last year. Data presented at a Federal Salary Council meeting shows feds earn, on average, 35 percent less than private-sector counterparts. A 1 percent raise next year could narrow the gap a little bit. These latest numbers come from the Office of Personnel Management and the Labor Department. But the pay gap is widely disputed. Several think tanks have looked at the issue and come up with widely varying conclusions.


  1. Working for the government should be more voluntary like the military with the same pay.


  2. Total baloney. Feds have their basic pay, and on top of that 'locality adjustments' that purport to account for cost of living differences from region to region.

    As an example, Feds working in Cambridge, MD get the same 'adjustment' as those working in Baltimore or DC.

    Plus just about zero chance of losing a job; fixed hours; generous benefits. Guess why most federal employees don't quit - the total package is so much better than most private employers.

    Get real!

  3. Oh their perks are more valuable than the money I make. Poor babies my rear end.

  4. Plus mandatory breaks & meals...


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