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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Wicomico County Councilman Joe Holloway Files To Run Again Today

Joe Holloway has filed to run again for County Council. 


  1. Go Joe!!!!! Voting for you because you look out for the taxpayers.

  2. Glad to see Joe run again my family and I will be supporting him.

  3. we will not be supporting joe. not at all pleased with his decisions
    and arrogance.

  4. Joe represents our Families very well. always looking out for us by trying to keep spending and regulations down. we will be supporting Joe again and we will encourage our friend and neighbors to do the same. Thanks Joe...

  5. Joe is not a good representation of voters. He is arrogant and is an obstructionist. He loves to grandstand and can't see the forest for the trees. Our family will not be voting for him and I have known him nearly all of my life. Hope the East Side can put up a candidate with a little common sense and I don't care if they graduated high school.

  6. 5:25 PM you throw out a lot of words like arrogant, obstructionist, grandstands.Perhaps you would like to elaborate on these words or just hide behind anonymous!From the East Side.

  7. Johnnie Miller said . . .
    Everyone knows that District 5 - is a working man's District - and as such deserves a working man's representative.

    Joe Holloway has proven himself to have far superior Wisdom in representing the average 'working man'. A reflection of his record reveals that he has EFFECTIVELY represented his constituents in District 5.

    In my honest opinion I have to give him a 'thumbs up'.


  8. Good job, Joe! Our household will be behind you!

  9. 5:25 - Has lost his mind. More than likely he is on the receiving end as opposed to the paying end. The VAST majority of district 5 residents obviously want to hold-onto what little is left of their paychecks.
    I believe that Joe has tried to see to it that they are able to do just that. He has got our family's vote.

  10. I find these comments very interesting. Frankly, I thought that those who visited sbynews were more conservative but from these comments it is apparent that liberals are commenting too. I can attest that the district that Holloway serves is basically worker bees who appreciates his conservative nature and his willingness to stand up for the taxpayers. Keep up the good work Mr. Holloway.

  11. He is a good man. Holloway store... He liked his cigars

  12. Keep working for the working people and keep our taxes down.

  13. You can never go wrong doing the right thing for the right reason for the people. Something our legislators have lost track of.

  14. Anyone who thinks Joe is arrogant does not know what that word means. He is the most down-to-earth member of the County Council, and probably has more common sense that any other member. He's got my vote.


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