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Monday, December 30, 2013

Who Are The Losers In The \\\'Duck Dynasty\\\' Flap?

Now that A&E executives have surrendered to the will of hundreds of thousands of "Duck Dynasty" fans and welcomed Phil Robertson back to the show nearly 10 days after creating a firestorm when they suspended him for expressing views about sexuality that are shared by many other conservative Christians, it's time to see who the winners and losers are.

The winners: Robertson and his family.They held fast to their values and learned how deep their fan base really is. The family's admission of regret about hisstatements to GQ was no surrender, given that his comments were never about hate as opponents had insinuated.

The losers: A&E executives, of course, who knew all along that the Robertson family members were conservative Christians, yet did the world's worst imitation of Claude Rains in "Casablanca" when gay rights groups complained.



  1. There was no true winner or loser if you really think with an active brain cell... No one was fired... Phil was suspended a Simple smack on the wrist. Since none of us know the true details of their contract do any of know who was right or wrong I think not. Since the whole thing is yesterday's news it really doesn't matter and from the start wasn't going to matter. It was all much ado over nothing all is well in made for TV fake reality tv.....guess none of you have come up with how to save the shore... To me that's a far more pressing issue than some made for TV crap....

  2. Ditto... these constant distractions make me wonder...like magicans or wrestlers.u wonder whats going on behind our backs while this type of BS..is getting HEADLINES When more important issues get none

  3. with patriarch pushing marriage to 15 year olds, it's not gonna last long. That's pedophilia!

  4. Ironically the uproar over Phil Robertson's complaints didnot come from the political groups who want equal treatment I was from a series of overly sensative, cram it down you throat with a choke hold, gay rights people who's focus is to make them special. I wish stupid people would be ignored no matter who they are or what their money buys them.
    Eliminate BS and we would all be so much better off.
    For those who are angry I am to that someone's opinion is the only focus of the news. EVERYONE has a right to their opinion no matter who it is.

  5. Phil Robertson has been reinstated by A&E after a brief suspension for making anti-gay remarks, but the Duck Dynasty patriarch is caught up in a new controversy thanks to a video in which he advises men to marry girls as young as 15.

  6. Right on 10:35 am!!!

    I remember these dope kazoo makers when they were clean shaven in khakis and button down shirts
    Old Phil was an alcoholic and and an a infidel with a PE degree
    A little camo and a little bible thumping buys lot of wal-mart hearts
    They whole show is a trick on rednecks you think when they frail lil grandson comes out his yuppie momma will toss him to the curb


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