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Monday, December 16, 2013

Utah Polygamy Ruling Criticized

Some social conservatives are blasting Utah's ruling striking down part of that state's law banning polygamy.

The suit was brought by the stars of the television reality series "Sister Wives," and a federal judge's ruling Friday throws out the law's section prohibiting "cohabitation," saying it violates constitutional guarantees of due process and religious freedom.

Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum - who a decade ago came under fire for comments indicating polygamy would become legal if courts banned anti-sodomy laws - responded to the ruling over the weekend.


  1. Who the hell would want more than one wife? I can bareley put up with the nagging and complaining of one!

  2. when one isn't in the mood maybe the other will be.

  3. Hey, if queers can get married, why can't i have 3 wives?

  4. In before some closet dweller bring homosexuals into a polygamist article....

    ^^^Too late. You can come out now.

  5. the problem with polygamy is multiple mothers-in-law....

  6. @ 3:55 Then you need to stop doing or not doing what you are being nagged about. I never nag my husband because he gives me nothing to nag about and vice versa. If this is not normal to have such a great relationship then I do not want to be normal.

    @6:41 If you make it worth our while, we are always in the mood.


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