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Tuesday, December 03, 2013

This College Kid Made Over $24,000 Yesterday Just By Waving This Bitcoin Sign On ESPN

A college student quickly made over $24,000 just by waving this sign on TV.

Here's the deal: Yesterday on ESPN's "College GameDay" (an ESPN college football show that's filmed at a different college campus each week) some student held the above sign that has both the Bitcoin logo and a QR code.

A QR code is a visual representation of any kind of information (frequently a URL for a website). In this case, the code represented a Bitcoin wallet.

On Reddit, Bitcoin fans managed to enhance the QR code from the screen in order to identify his wallet, so that people could donate money to him.



  1. Can I post my wallet here? Haha, I have hundreds from years ago. I should sell...

  2. This bitcoin seems like a scam to me and most young people I talk to agree.

  3. whatever happened to working, not begging for a living?


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