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Monday, December 02, 2013

The President As Police Commissioner: Cops And Collectivism

“The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government, they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can’t get and promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten, that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time it is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is a sort of an advance auction of the sale of stolen goods.”

-H.L. Mencken

The police are the greatest threat to human liberty in history. Historically, they have been the instruments of oppression throughout the ages. Absent this enforcement mechanism, no member of the political class, that curious professional remora priesthood that plagues societies that usurps power and assumes “delegated powers” not permitted of the serfs that elect them to office or suffer under their dictatorial power could not exist.

The fear of a few bad men is not curbed by putting the worst men in charge.



  1. If this theory is correct - Shall we conduct an experiment? Give every law enforcement person in the Country a week off at the exact same time. All 911 operators and dispatchers the same week off. In that time not a single lawman will be working in the entire Country and not 1 lawman is coming to help anyone.

    Then we shall see if their is no such thing a a good lawman.

    A lawman with integrity and honor only enforces those laws that do not violate the Constitution. The others I can't speak for.

  2. The trouble begins, 10:38, when we try to find men of "integrity and honor" that can SPELL Constitution and know that is actually the guide to ALL laws and that they are bound by law just as well as the people they claim to protect. Power corrupts. Giving ANYONE the power to beat, rob, rape, kill, steal, and hold themselves above the law is intoxicating and deadly. Combine that with a system of states attorneys and judges that, for various reasons, rubberstamp these actions, and you get what we have today --- hundreds of thousands of people beaten and killed, raped, assaulted and harassed, imprisoned in error, etc. Pick a town. There is probably a video of a cop from that town doing exactly what I've described. NEVER forget the HUNDREDS of people released form DEATH ROW based on a cop's testimony and a State's attorneys zeal for conviction, and a judge's acquiescence. Four cops beat an unarmed drunk into a coma and claim it's 'self defense'?? Or say they felt "threatened"? Women in handcuffs get beaten, raped, or maced -- for fun and jokes?? Children get shot walking in the neighborhood (like they've done a hundred times) because two cops are afraid for their safety?? And not a single cop goes to jail and often doesn't even lose their job!! "WE, the people" go to PRISON for the same things they do every day. under the color of law... Small towns get SWAT teams, armored vehicles, and military equipment?? I'm not saying (and NEVER have) that the police aren't necessary. I'm saying they are out of control and forget their place. And its getting harder and harder to prove me wrong....


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