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Friday, December 20, 2013

Super Rich Skip Out On Estate Tax

The super rich have skipped out on paying $100 billion dollars in estate taxes since 2000. And, that incredible number doesn't even factor in the billions that they saved using loopholes like capital gains, or by stashing their money in tax havens around the world. A new report from Bloomberg News says that special tax loopholes used primarily by the super rich have made the estate tax system “essentially voluntary” for those at the top. Basically, billionaires like Shelly Adelson and the Walton family set up special trust funds, like the Walton-created “grantor-retained annuity trust” or GRAT, in which they stash millions of dollars worth of stock. Once those GRATs expire – typically after two years – the billionaires cash out the stock, keep their original investment, along with a profit, and pass on the balance to their heirs. All the while, avoiding taxes on the whole scheme. By using these completely legal, but highly unethical, tactics, the super wealthy have stashed away $100 billion in a little over a decade. That amount is enough to pay for every child in our nation to go to preschool for ten years, and it could wipe out the entire first round of sequester cuts. One hundred billion could have provided a substantial benefit to our nation, and it's only one of many tax loopholes that the super rich use to get out of paying their fair share. The super rich like to call estate taxes “death taxes,” but trust-fund schemes like this that are actually killing investment in our nation. If billionaires want to do business in our great nation, it's about time that they start contributing to the commons that make it possible.


  1. By what logic is the "state" entitled to any part of anyone's estate?

  2. If you keep an eye on Thom Hartmann's program, there is no logic only "oh, the inhumanity of..." - class warfare.
    " If billionaires want to do business in our great nation, it's about time that they start contributing to the commons that make it possible."
    Almost straight from Teh Won's piehole - "YOU didn't build that!"

  3. Duh! They have the guns and the enforcers. Haven't you heard that might makes right.

  4. To the above comment.. Exactly correct.. why does the state have the right to anything.

    Loopholes are exploited by people in the know... and the wealthy are quite good at it as they should be

  5. They would reinvest money here if democrats were'nt in power.The dems would waste it on more entitlements and illegal alien benefits.

  6. Well played 12:50. With the current laws, anybody can do this. The biggest beef I have is with the capital gains tax.

  7. The rich get richer; we get screwed by Obamacare.

  8. The State has no right to ones estate.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The State has no right to ones estate.

    December 21, 2013 at 2:24 AM

    They have no right to anyone's income, but they take it.


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