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Sunday, December 15, 2013

South Carolina Sheriff Defies Obama: He Refuses To Lower Flags As A Tribute To Mandela

His reasoning makes sense, although I don’t see anything wrong with lowering the flag to half-mast to honor friends of the United States like Margaret Thatcher.

A South Carolina Sheriff is defying President Barack Obama’s order to lower flags to half-staff as a tribute to South African leader Nelson Mandela.

Pickens County Sheriff Rick Clark said he was defying Obama’s order because he thinks the honor of lowering flags should be reserved for fallen Americans.

“It’s just my simple opinion that the flag should only be lowered to half-staff for Americans who sacrificed for their country,” Clark told CNN affiliate WHNS.



  1. The AMERICAN flag should only be lowered to half-staff for AMERICANS period. That's also in the constitution that obama refuses to follow.

    USN Ret'd

  2. i agree with the sheriff.

  3. You are incorrect. The American Flag was lowered to half-staff for Pope John Paul II in 2005.

    The rules were established by President Eisenhower in 1954, not by our Constitution.

    (Former USN, also).

  4. I agree with the Sheriff.

  5. 11:31 Another fool who has no idea what is in the constitution but loves to spout off about it.

  6. To 11:31, please show me where in the Constitution it says this. Or are you the type of person who loves to say "follow the Constitution" but you haven't actually read the document?

  7. 12:04....YOU are one of the reasons this country has so many of the problems it does. Do us all a favor and crawl back into pitiful hole you call home.

  8. Sir, no disrespect to you or your service and thank you for it.
    I could not find any reference to flying the flag in our constitution but according to Flag etiquette and and the American Flag code, the flag may be flown at half mast for foreign dignitaries at the President's orders. See below;
    FLYING THE FLAG AT HALF-STAFF: The pertinent section of the Flag Code says, "by order of the President, the flag shall be flown at half-staff upon the death of principal figures of the United States Government and the Governor of a State, territory, or possession, as a mark of respect to their memory. In the event of the death of other officials or foreign dignitaries, the flag is to be displayed at half-staff according to Presidential orders, or in accordance with recognized customs or practices not inconsistent with law.
    However I do agree that it should only be flown for Americans and foreign dignitaries that are "friends" of the USA. But it is still up to the President.
    I am not an obama supporter and despise all that the he has done to our once great country, but as president he is in his right to do this.
    signed Tom Goslee

  9. Its not half-mast. Its half-staff people.

  10. To Tom Goslee. Your comment is on the money. I know because I served in the US Army Honor Guard. In fact the President can order the Flag to be flown at half-staff for anyone or anything including his dog. It is not a Constitutional issue. If it were it would make no difference because with Obama the Constitution of the United States doesn't mean a hill of beans.

  11. Of course it is South Carolina where they still wish apartheid existed.

  12. 12:00-The US Flag Code was established in the 1920's well before Pres Eisenhower.
    12:31-There's one problem then with the flag flown half mast for Mandela. He's neither an official nor a foreign dignitary. He's a FORMER official/foreign dignitary and this is where Obama is dead wrong and once again shows his lack of good taste.

  13. It's either 12:40. And for the record, the every other English speaking country used half mast exclusively.
    Those saying the President has discretion are correct, though protocols do exist. 1:26 is correct. Protocol dictates that the half staff position is reserved for sitting heads of state and current dignitaries.
    Off hand I can think of 2 former prime ministers-Thatcher and Polish (name escapes me) who died this year. Flag not flown half staff though both countries were more "useful" and friendlier to the US.

  14. lmao at 1:10 verses reverse apartheid that we have in every major city/ghetto in this country! move to Detroit or Chicago or Baltimore or Oakland or Atlanta or Salisbury or any other sh@thole you might so want to enjoy calling home all while being raped robbed and pillaged!

  15. LOL at 1131. Do us all a favor and stay retired. The flag has been lowered numerous times for non-Americans. Guess you were taking your nap and missed it.

  16. Less than a 1/2 dozen times 3:43 and those non Americans happened to be current heads of state or still acting in an official capacity, as in the case of the Pope. Except in the case of W Churchill who was an honorary American. This once again shows how utterly crude and tasteless and lacking in decorum Obama truly is. The word 'ghetto' comes to mind when Obama is mentioned.

  17. The last thing anyone should do is honor Mandela in anyway shape or form. He was a terrorist. He blew innocent people up and being the psychopath he was, refused to renounce violence. It's a vastly held myth that S Africa is better because of him. It's not.

  18. Thanks in large part to Madela South Africa stands out as one, if not the most, dangerous and crime infested places in the universe. He was no saint. Quite the opposite. He created lawlessness. He is in the same class as Hitler and many an innocent black blood is on his hands and continues to be. Just as obama is doing, he made a mess of things and was too ignorant to fix the messes he made.

  19. Dear 4:42, the word "bigot" comes to mind when reading your ignorant words.

  20. 442 crude and tasteless for honoring a former head of state and international hero (regardless of what you may think). By pointing out past examples you shut down your own argument.

  21. 6:50-The examples pointed out died while still heads of their respective countries and not some has been who was president for a short while almost 20 yrs ago. Those examples also actually did something for the US unlike mandela who did nothing besides ruin his own country by unleashing all that is uncivilized. Now of course he would be a hero to those who approve of the rape of infants and children, infesting them with all kinds of venereal disease and AIDS. I could care less if I'm called a bigot. It's an honor anymore. When the grossly uniformed have no defense and know the truth is being spoken (which burns them up to hear) being the little people they are start calling names.

  22. So you're saying that blacks weren't raped and beaten during and before apartheid by the ruling class? Your revisionist history is quite hilarious. So much so that I think I smell a troll.

  23. I know all about South Africa. S Africa was almost bucolic when the Europeans had control. They kept the savages at bay with apartheid knowing their tendency toward acting uncivil. This is a fact and not something you've learned or will learn with a public school education. If in fact blacks were being raped by the 'ruling class' it was rare. But they were being blown up by madela and his ilk. The 'ruling class' were well protected and well armed. mandela came in as president and gave the savages 'rights' and practiced socialism/communism. The 'ruling class' left and now the people are living in utter poverty eating their own feces to survive! They have no sense of civility and are raping their own black children infesting them with VD even deforming their mouths with venereal warts! madela created this poverty and crime. Anyone who thinks he is a hero should be ashamed. He left the county in chaos and lawlessness but he didn't suffer one bit. His infant and small grand daughters never knew starvation nor rape by grown men!
    Same scenario happened in Haiti and is and has happened it a lot of our cities. Time people faced the facts and their is no denying--- A certain segment of society is not capable of governing themselves. They are too primitive in their ways.


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