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Friday, December 06, 2013

So Help Me God

This is by a daughter of a murdered couple in Raytown, MO, who had a Bible and Bookstore on 63rd street.

She says: When I had to testify at the murder trial of my parents a week ago, I was asked to raise my right hand ... The bailiff started out "Do you swear to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

I stood there and waited but she said nothing She said "Do you?"

I was so stunned I blurted out "What happened to "so help me God'?"

She came back with "Do you?"

I replied yes, but I was perplexed.

Then the judge said. "You can say that if you want to."

I stopped, raised my right hand, and finished with: "So help me God!"

I told my son and daughter that when it came time for them to testify, they should do the same.

I don't know what can be done about it, but it's time for us to step up and DO something.

NBC this morning had a poll on this question. They had the highest number of responses that they have ever had for one of their polls, and the percentage was the same as this:

86%to keep the words,
14% against...
That is a pretty 'commanding' public response.

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