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Friday, December 13, 2013

Santelli & Stockman Blast "Festering Fiscal" Budget Deal "Betrayal"

Former OMB director David Stockman rages to none other than Rick Santelli that the budget deal is a "betrayal and a joke" and "the final surrender of the House Republican leadership to beltway politics." The dismal reality - that little to no one in the mainstream media will dare utter - the budget adds $70 billion to spending this year and next year, and "then they're going to pretend to save it in '22 and '23." Stockman blasts, "they've not only kicked the can down the road, but kicked it into low-earth orbit." The only hope of getting our fiscal house in order was if House Republicans stand up, and Stockman warns "will trigger an enormous negative reaction from Tea-Party Republicans." The truth hurts...



  1. Mr Harris did the right thing for us and voted "No". Thank You Andy!

  2. dittos to cong. harris. throw the rinos out soon. there is NO excuse for this. Boehner must go.

  3. Every single person who has voted Republican should hang your heads down in shame. The time will come when you will realize the wrong you have done to yourself, your family, and your neighbor by voting Republican.


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