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Friday, December 06, 2013

Russia's Hypersonic Trump Card Edges Closer To Reality

The RS-26 Rubezh will significantly expand the ability of Russian strategic nuclear forces to overcome missile defense systems

By the end of this year, Moscow will test its newest ballistic missile, the RS-26 Rubezh (which means frontier in Russian) equipped with hypersonic manoeuvring nuclear units. As Colonel General Vladimir Zarudnitsky, chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, said to Vladimir Putin, this system will significantly expand the ability of Russian strategic nuclear forces to overcome missile defence systems. The technical specifications of the new missile have not been disclosed. However, public recognition of the fact that it has “hypersonic manoeuvring nuclear units” indicates it is an ultimate weapon.

“Ballistic missiles have a certain trajectory and power supply capacity. It is rather difficult to reach beyond these parameters in the development of new models of this type,” says Vladimir Dvorkin, the former head of the 4th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defence (the institution that studies the effects of nuclear weapons). “So currently the only thing that can be upgraded is most likely the warhead of ballistic missiles.”



  1. it seems that all of our enemies, Russia and China especially, are greatly expanding their military might and technology while we greatly expand our entitlements and cut from defense. Thank you Mr. President, your goal of destroying the United States appears to be almost complete.

  2. 439 guess you haven't read about some of our latest advancements in weapons systems. BTW had we not squandered a trillion dollars in Iraq, I'm sure DoD would be alot better off.


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