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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pelosi: Being An Illegal Alien Is Not A Reason To Deport Someone

This is what the left has believed all along. Nancy Pelosi should be praised for having the courage to come right out and say it.

Nancy Pelosi recently told Telemundo that violations of immigration law should no longer have any consequences:

“Our view of the law is that it — if somebody is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation.”

This wasn’t just a verbal flub; her spokesman reiterated the point, saying her comment was merely “a restatement of her long-held belief that being an undocumented immigrant is not a basis for deportation.”



  1. Deport her and her ancestors out of America.

  2. How about being a dumb a$$ congresswoman!

  3. Laws mean nothing to Democrats.

  4. Robbing a bank and getting caught is not reason enough to go to jail.

  5. 10:21 - I know some real Dumb a$$es - they would (and should) be offended by being categorized with this waste of oxygen!

  6. this is the same idiot that said we must pass obamacare before we read it. shame on her and the camel she rode in on. thanks sjd

  7. She says that so smugly through that plastic face of hers...I really can't stand her.

  8. You know, she says crap like this, but still, the Republicans in Congress and the Senate say nothing, as if that were okay.

    So, is this something we, the People want?

    Time to group up and hold meetings.

  9. Can you believe it? A non citizen breaks the law and it isn't a reason to deport them!
    There isn't enough money in the world anyone could pay me to breath the same air as this foul putrid stupid wench. She's the reason why every city/municipality/town that has been under democratic control for generations is nothing but a cesspool of crime and poverty. And all those living in it, deserve to be wallowing and drowning in the filth for voting for these the degenerate democrats.

  10. Ohbama Crooked BastardDecember 22, 2013 at 1:20 AM

    Can I believe what this Crooked Godless Liar Nancy Pelosi is saying? Absolutely. She has been Liar, Crook,, Manipulator and Hateful Master of Deception for loooong time, 1st as Senator, now as in Congress. So, I ask those members of Democ-rat Party - Is this the Leader You All Look Up To? Is she the Role Model you wanna follow? This Godless, Immoral, Unethical, Greedy, Lie to Your Face, Piss Poor Excuse of a Woman, is this the Best You Can Come Up With? I dare you to quit and turn Independent, because if you don't - Shame On You.

  11. Can someone take her to the VET and have her put down please?

  12. what part of ILLEGAL doesn't she understand?


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