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Monday, December 09, 2013

Obamas, Bushes Fly Together To Mandela's Memorial Service

President Obama, former president George W. Bush and their wives departed Washington Monday morning on Air Force One on their way to a memorial service in South Africa for Nelson Mandela.

The president and first lady Michelle Obama are being accompanied by Mr. Bush, former first lady Laura Bush and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on the flight to Johannesburg. A four-hour memorial service will be held on Tuesday for South Africa’s first black president.

Mr. Mandela, the anti-apartheid revolutionary, died on Thursday at age 95.



  1. In case of emergency I know who I would like to have a working parachute

  2. How many planes are in the fleet? 45> 50? I hope they at least put the helicopters in a few C-130's. Limo's as well, or are they going by destroyers and aircraft carriers?

  3. At least we can come together for something.

  4. Let's spend hundreds of millions of tax payers dollars and lower OUR flag half mast for a socialist!

  5. 6:04 really needs to study history if he/she can read.

  6. Sorry my bad ... a communist

  7. 6:04. It's Half Staff not Half Mast unless you happen to be mourning in your boat.

  8. 710 failed history 101 as well.


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