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Monday, December 23, 2013

Obama Caves, Delays Obamacare As Momentum Fizzles; Customer Pool "Smaller And Sicker"

Late last night, with just 4 days left until the December 23 deadline to choose plans that will begin Jan. 1, Washington Post reported that the Obama administration finally caved and "significantly relaxed the rules of the federal health-care law for millions of consumers whose individual insurance policies have been canceled, saying they can buy bare-bones plans or entirely avoid a requirement that most Americans have health coverage."

The ability to get an exemption means that the administration is freeing these people from one of the central features of the law: a requirement that most Americans have health insurance as of Jan. 1 or risk a fine. The exemption gives them the choice of having no insurance or of buying skimpy “catastrophic” coverage.

As was to be expected, the announcement which made the healthcare ponzi scheme far less powerful triggered an immediate backlash from the health insurance industry and "raised fairness questions about a law intended to promote affordable and comprehensive coverage on a widespread basis."

“This latest rule change could cause significant instability in the marketplace and lead to further confusion and disruption for consumers,” said Karen Ignagni, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry’s main trade group.

Another health insurance official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he lacked authorization to discuss the matter publicly, pointed out that the hardship exemption also gives one group the ability to buy coverage whenever they want, rather than during annual open-enrollment periods. As a result, he said, more people might not buy insurance unless they get sick.

Well, Karen: welcome to central-planning, where whatever can go wrong, ultimately does, and as for your profit margins which you had modelled as surging in the coming years: feel free to model them lower.

How did the latest humiliation for the administration come about? WaPo  explains:



  1. And we STILL cannot anonymously examine the healthcare plans online. Instead, we must give our identifying information, which puts us on any number of new government data banks.

  2. 1:15 - that's the transparency that the voters elected and reelected.

    2014 is coming - with 2016 right behind - probably the last two opportunities to save our country without resorting to the second amendment as it was intended.....

  3. Where do I pay my fine? I'm not buying...

  4. Hold up YO...my Obama phone don't work YO

  5. There he goes again, pretending to be Congress and passing his own laws.

  6. Well 3:18 supposedly the IRS but I guarantee that will be the next problem. IRS not ready...blah blah blah. The incompetence of this guy whom some call president, is hilarious. I refuse to call him president. I have much higher standards and he doesn't come anywhere near even meeting the minimum.

  7. I'll be checking in in February or so after filing my taxes. I'll probably just pay the fine since I'm unemployed for the last 5 years. My wonderful Governor, O'Malley, tells me jobs are rushing back at an astronomical rate, as long as you want to work for the NSA.

    Suck you, O'Malley.


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