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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NSA Has Complete Control Of Your iPhone, Can Activate Your Microphone And Camera

Leaked documents now show what we all suspected: the NSA can turn your iPhone’s microphone and camera on and off without you knowing.

According to Der Spiegel’s website:

“The NSA’s ANT division develops implants for mobile phones and SIM cards. One of these is a spyware implant called “DROPOUTJEEP” — designed for the first generation of iPhones — which was still in development in 2008, shortly after the iPhone’s launch. This spyware was to make it possible to remotely download or upload files to a mobile phone. It would also, according to the catalog, allow the NSA to divert text messages, browse the user’s address book, intercept voicemails, activate the phone’s microphone and camera at will, determine the current cell site and the user’s current location, “etc.” ANT’s technicians also develop modified mobile phones, for use in special cases that look like normal, standard devices, but transmit various pieces of information to the NSA — that can be swapped undetected with a target’s own mobile phone or passed to informants and agents. In 2008, ANT had models from Eastcom and Samsung on offer, and it has likely developed additional models since.”

See leaked document below:



  1. So can any spouse that can buy the software legally off the internet.

  2. A WHOLE LOT different when your wife does it you. Strangers (in power, with the authority to literally make you disappear) activating your mic and camera? Your contacts and mail?
    F the 4th Amendment, huh? We have people in power who SPIT and LAUGH at the Constitution, like James Clapper, head of NSA, who denied, under oath, in testimony before Congress, that the NSA was spying in any way on Americans.
    Keep cheering. Right up to the point they take everything you have and put your family on a bus.
    Oh right.
    There's no threat from totalitarianism or power hungry politicians any longer.
    The Patriot Act and the NDAA are meant to HELP us. My bad.


  3. Joe, you're now off the hook when comments go missing. Now we know they got 'edited' on their way through Utah.

  4. Get over it
    Every non cash purchase you make
    Frivolous call text and even postings here are recorded
    and from what I have seen I would not be too worried about it your not going to Bore the NSA into an investigation

  5. 10:55... the old "If you're not doing anything wrong, don't worry about any stupid rights or some outdated Constitution"???
    Jefferson and our founding fathers would be SO proud of you. You are today's version of a true American. That is NOT a compliment.

  6. Dittos 8:21. unfortunately there are many that are clueless when it comes to Freedom. Privacy is one issue, but Freedom is the bottom line.


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