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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

No Drugs Necessary: Driver Arrested For Having Empty Compartment

Civil libertarians are criticizing Ohio police for arresting a driver because his car contained a compartment that could theoretically store illegal drugs, though no drugs were found at that time.

The driver, 30-year-old Norman Gurley of Michigan, was pulled over for speeding. A highway patrolman noticed wires running to a secret compartment in the car and arrested Gurley, even though there were no drugs in the compartment. The officer also claimed he smelled marijuana in the compartment — giving him probable cause to search it — though none was ultimately discovered.

It makes no difference whether police find drugs or not, according to a new Ohio law that prohibits secret compartments.



  1. Get arrested in Maryland with a multi-tool on you, you get charged with possession of "Burglary Tools", along with other charges.
    In 1941 Germany, if you had a secret room you were arrested for the crime of "You might Hide Jews". Then there is the new federal rap, having fertilizer, and diesel fuel, any amount, you have "Bomb Making" Material.
    This all sounds stupid till you are the victim of the arrest.

  2. not even close to comparable to Nazi Germany.

  3. Au contraire 6:15. You are wrong.
    It is EXACTLY like Nazi Germany and you are EXACTLY as complacent and oblivious as the average German in 1932...
    In fact, Obama and the Democratic Party are counting on and EXPECTING fools like you to be as complacent as you are so they can strip America of the principles defined in the constitution, the very principles that built and made America the strongest country in the world. Obama's tactics are also the EXACT same as previous Communist/fascist despot's like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot and Musollini.
    They LIE. They rewrite and disguise the record, much like Jay Carney does daily. They disregard laws. They write laws illegally by executive order like Obama has done over 950 times.
    Wake up and be Americans instead of the suckers you are!

  4. 7:40.... nice smacking of that ace...Hitler didn't take power overnight. But the sheep seem to think that as long as our freedoms and rights are only taken incrementally, its all good.
    Hitler drews MILLIONS of cheering fans! Then he did his best to kill them.
    LEARN FROM HISTORY. It does repeat itself.

  5. Hey Imclain!
    Just telling it like it is...
    No more PC B.S. here.
    My 2014 resolution?
    Stay on point and educate the sheeple for they know not what they're missing.
    AND, defeating all things liberal, unconstitutional and immoral.
    (as well as maintaining a high level of proficiency with my AR)


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