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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Next Governor Should Get 20% Pay Raise To $180,000, Commission Recommends

Maryland’s next governor would get a 20% pay raise to $180,000 a year under recommendations made Tuesday night by the Governor’s Salary Commission.

Four other statewide officials — the lieutenant governor, attorney general, comptroller, state treasurer and secretary of state — would also get a 20% pay hike over the four years of their terms from 2015 to 2018.

All these “constitutional officers,” except for the lower paid secretary of state, would make $149,500 by 2018.


  1. They should only get that amount if they do not operate in a deficit and have a balanced budget.

  2. Let's stay with the Constitution...even thoughDecember 20, 2013 at 5:01 PM

    Let the Voters DECIDE...place it on our Voting tablet

  3. If they don't like their salary, quit and find a better job.

  4. Just wondering. Why should they?

  5. None of them deserve a raise. A 20% cut would be more responsible especially since this comes on the backs of working people. This is the class the governor and buddies have ruined.

    They are nothing more than thieves.

  6. So this increase also effects pensions for them?? What wrong with these greedy fools..so which fund or tax or fee are they gonna steal from for this .THEY DONT DESRVE WHAT THEY GET NOW???!!#$/\*(//@

  7. Yeah lets givum a raise. Im sure stateemployees would like more furough days to pay for it.

  8. If we took away their salary altogether we may have a chance at an honest gov't.

  9. Some police departments haven't had a raise in 6 years. No cost of living, NOTHING! I see the democratic logic in that

  10. As I look down from my balcony over the vast numbers of paid employees and public servants it is clear .... Let Them Eat Cake.

  11. 9:49 is an idiot. Take away all their salary. Would anyone do it? So would you work for free and do a better job with no pay. Some people should just keep their mouths shut.

  12. He should earn the average salary/ "income" of all the working age citizens of the State, and not a penny more.

  13. No public office holder should be paid that much money. People just run for office for the power and the money. Let them earn a living wage, and that's it. Then maybe we will get servants that are dedicated to the job and not the paycheck.

    That's why we have politicians who hang around 30-40 years. Nice chunk of change and pension to boot.

    It's called public service for a reason. Never was supposed to be a career position.


  14. Supposed to be 'Public Service' so let's set the pay to be equal to a multiple (say 1.5 %) of the average pay in the state. If citizens are thriving, so would the governor; if citizens took a hit so would he/she.

    Other elected folks would be arrayed at lesser multiples. Legislature would get 1/4 of governor rate, plus free lodging/food in dorm while in session.

    Sorry, Lords & Ladies, it is time to get in step with the peasants.

  15. Yet again I find myself explaining a comment to the thoughtless moronic among us.
    Yes you Anonymous 1:52 PM.
    My earlier comment does NOT literally mean 'work w/o salary'. It is intended to say, an elected gov't w/o the idea of personal monetary gain in mind is the only way an honest gov't for the people will exist. Unlike you, I'd like to think most other viewers did realize the characterization.
    That said, I'll have to agree with you about one thing though, "Some people should just keep their mouths shut".


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