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Friday, December 06, 2013

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes”

Did you know that Russia is building submarines that are so quiet that the U.S. military cannot detect them? These “black hole” submarines can freely approach the coastlines of the United States without fear of being detected whenever they want. In fact, a “nuclear-powered attack submarine armed with long-range cruise missiles” sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for several weeks without being detected back in 2012. And now Russia is launching a new class of subs that have “advanced stealth technology”. The U.S. Navy openly acknowledges that they cannot track these subs when they are submerged. That means that the Russians are able to sail right up to our coastlines and launch nukes whenever they want. But instead of trying to find a way to counteract this potential threat, the Obama administration has been working very hard to dismantle the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal. In the end, we could potentially pay a great price for this utter foolishness.

A recent RT article discussed these new super silent “black hole” submarines. To say that they are impressive would be a massive understatement…



  1. Their helicopters are completely silent as well,but a US company actually invented silent helicopters.The Soviets perfected them.

  2. lol another garbage attempt at manufacturing political outrage. Get a clue. Launching sub based nukes does NOT require a sub sneaking up to the coastline.

  3. Hunt for Red October. Tom Clancy was a visionary.

  4. russia and putin are improving their military, obammy is dismantling ours.

  5. Get a clue..just because our subs cant hear em..our coastal sonor nets dont detect em????....how do ya all think they know they are thier..hearing and seeing under water two distinct issues...

  6. Does it really matter?? Any attack will be met with our response... see the movie War Games from years ago.

  7. 6:37 Great post. Completely legible, and made perfect sense. Or is it cents?


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