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Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Email Scam Looks Like It's From Amazon, Wal-Mart

WASHINGTON - It's the time of year for email scams, especially given how much more people are shopping and sharing their bank information with stores. This time around, the fake emails look like they're coming from big box stores.

The scammers are going for the big fish -- the stores most Americans have shopped at this season, Amazon and Walmart.

"You may think you bought something at Walmart and they're telling you you can return it, but you have to act now because we're going to deduct something from the amount you paid," says CBS technology analyst Larry Magid. "That's an incentive for people to click, so they can get their money."



  1. Why dont the NSA be put to good use and track down the scammers and send a drone to blast them,you know they can.

  2. I've received several from Amazon.
    Don't click the link.

  3. The scams are out there. I have received 2. The message said my order could not be delivered and to click on link. I knew I had not ordered anything so i just deleted them. Sure there will probably be more


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