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Friday, December 06, 2013

Mikulski Shore Tour Includes OC Stop

OCEAN CITY- U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski’s three-stop Eastern Shore jobs tour this week included a visit with resort business leaders to discuss, among other things, the J-1 visa that allows so many foreign students to work in Ocean City during the summer season.

Mikulski on Monday toured several locations across the Lower Shore including a visit with the Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association (OCHMRA) leadership at the Princess Royale. The visit included a candid discussion between resort business leaders and Mikulski over proposed changed to the J-1 visa program and other programs that provide a vital segment of the workforce in Ocean City each summer and across the Lower Shore.

At Wednesday’s Ocean City Economic Development Committee (EDC) meeting, Chairman Michael James, who is the managing partner for the Carousel Resort, called the meeting with Mikulski over the jobs and the visa programs a productive one.



  1. looks like the troll needs to go back under her bridge .

  2. Be careful if you are in OC and wear a wedding band. She's looking for her "precious", so expect to be harassed!

  3. Evil little Communist Elf

  4. Thank goodness someone is looking out for the shore. Mikulski is responsible for the rebirth of Wallops island, was the only politician to actually see that Crisfielders got relief after hurricane sandy and is now apparently listening to the needs of Ocean City business owners. She is doing more to drive business and jobs into this region than any of the local politicians. Good for her and good for us.

  5. Shhh Boy, look at the size of that deer!December 6, 2013 at 5:10 PM

    can a Deer Hunter find her transport

  6. She is a mover and a shaker, all I ever hear is good works from her. She speaks up and tells it like it is and says it intelligently, she knows what the common person it dealing with. She is out there in all the spots that need attention. The woman cares and shows it.

  7. She's a Democrat.., that's all I need to know.

  8. Why do I get the urge to barf every time I see this little munchkin!

  9. Anonymous said...
    Thank goodness someone is looking out for the shore. Mikulski is responsible for the rebirth of Wallops island, was the only politician to actually see that Crisfielders got relief after hurricane sandy and is now apparently listening to the needs of Ocean City business owners. She is doing more to drive business and jobs into this region than any of the local politicians. Good for her and good for us.

    December 6, 2013 at 3:44 PM

    I bet you voted for Obama didn't you!!


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