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Monday, December 16, 2013

Man Shot Dead At Short Hills Mall

NEW YORK (MYFOXNY) -A man leaving the Mall at Short Hills in northern New Jersey with his wife was shot in the head in the parking lot on Sunday night, said officials.

Two men confronted the couple returning to their vehicle on the second floor of a parking deck at about 9 p.m.

The man opened the door for his wife and as he went to the driver's side was approached by the men and shot before he entered the vehicle, said Acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn A. Murray.



  1. in case you were wondering it was two black men who shot a white husband and wife. cbs is not allowed to report that information

  2. Where were the police? Aren't they the ones who think they are the only ones who should be armed and claim to "protect" us? The only thing they can protect is the flow of money and paperwork. Otherwise we are just the next victim. Disarm law-abiding citizens and what's left? Criminals with guns. Some wear a badge, some don't.

  3. New York... stopped reading there. There is no deterrent for criminals to pull this type of crime off. Law abiding citizens are thrown under the bus, and criminals are allowed to wreak havoc.

  4. You should have read a little further to see that it was in New Jersey. No that it really matters both states are worse than MD when it comes to gun ownership and concealed carry.

  5. 1:11 not one police officer thinks citizens should be disarmed. you are clueless.


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