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Monday, December 23, 2013

Killing The Middle Class

If one takes the mainstream media seriously, Ben Bernanke’s announcement that the Federal Reserve would begin “tapering” its purchase of government bonds and mortgage securities by $10 billion dollars per month was the reason for Wall Street’s rally on Wednesday. Yet as the chart here reveals, the reaction to the Fed’s decision was a rapid and precipitous drop first, followed by a large rally, when Bernanke dropped the far more important shoe: interest rates would remain near zero for the foreseeable future. Thus, the nation remains wedded to a policy best described by Andrew Huszar, who was responsible for executing the first round of Quantitative Easing (QE), as “the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time.”

And while Wall Street has flourished, Main Street remains mired in the “new normal.” It is the new normal where a staggering 75 percent of the jobs created this year have not only been part-time, but low-paying. It is the new normal where the “decline” in unemployment to 7 percent is belied by the reality that a record high 91,541,000 of Americans are no longer in the labor force as of October, and the workforce participation rate is 63 percent, the lowest its been since 1978. Some of that decline can be attributed to Baby Boomers retiring, but the participation rate of workers aged 16-54 also declined during the recession–and has yet to recover.



  1. If anyone wants to get an idea of the near future of America they should watch the Hunger Games. This will happen to America sooner than you know it and it's already happening. We will be slaves and servants to the Obama Administration.

  2. Obama is wiping out the middle class to make them poor Obama voters then it guarantees the dens stay in power against the rich while he is going that he is killing the American way of life and becoming Muslim compliant ...look at England and Europe.

  3. Yeah, what 2:52 said! I can't believe the parallels between that book (and movie) and what our country is evolving into.

  4. Joe,I see 4 new realty offices opening up south end of Salisbury-where's the money coming from because as a local small business things are going down for me.


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