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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Jesse Jackson Attacks Duck Dynasty Star With Ridiculous Comparison

Phil Robertson, the controversial star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty, has caused quite the splash for comments he made in a recent GQ article regarding homosexuality. In a Tuesday press release, Rev. Jesse Jackson, the social justice advocate known for constantly blowing things out of proportion, claimed that Robertson’s comments were more offensive than those made by Rosa Parks’ bus driver.

“At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law,” Jackson said. “Robertson’s statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’”

Rev. Jackson seems to be forgetting about that little thing called the First Amendment. 



  1. He is just speaking up because when his son gets out of prison he will be gay!

  2. Stone casting blabber mouth please shut up you only represent yourself, not black america.

  3. Why is this womanizer of a so called man a REVEREND?

  4. The Rev. ? What does that represent? I think the bible.
    There is only one Rev. , that is Jesus Christ.

  5. What a tool. Did not hear Phil talking about the Rev crooked son and he did break the law.

  6. The voice of Satan .

  7. You would think that the "Right Reverend" Jackson would have realized that Phil was only talking about what many perceive to be God's laws but then again the "Reverend" Jackson is rumored to have at least one out of wedlock child himself.

  8. Does anyone really care what this idiot says?

  9. lmao at the rapping, extorting, race baiting, adulterous, fornicating, abortion loving, poverty pimping, publicity hound minister.
    did I miss anything?

  10. Why in the heck does anybody put a microphone in front of this idiot?

    He and Al "Big Mouth" Sharpton are the biggest racists in the Country.

    The sooner they both move on to the next life, the better.

  11. How old is this opportunist, self promoting buffoon? He has to be about 100 by now doesn't he? Or does it just seem like he's been around that long?

  12. Only wants to be in the news.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He is just speaking up because when his son gets out of prison he will be gay!

    December 27, 2013 at 12:04 AM

    I bet Bubba is taking good care of his new bride Jesse Jr.

  14. he's a "race pimp", only to be ignored...

  15. They need to take him duck hunting.

  16. He's just talking to hear himself talk...he doesn't even believe in the crap that comes out of his mouth....

  17. That A__ Hole needs too leave this country nothing but trouble !

  18. Jesse Jackson has been a jerk every since he ran for president and NO ONE took him seriously. He is a blight on the black race, and embarrassment to every American and to be called a reverend is an insult to his religion him and Al Sharpton.

  19. My first thought when I saw this was to get irritated. Mr. Jackson is "demanding" that people from Cracker Barrel and from A&E meet with him by Friday. Why didn't he demand that Phil Robertson meet with him. Phil probably would have done so.

    I read the article from GQ and what Phil said was what that he personally never saw a black person harmed. He didn't say that there were no black people harmed. He also said they worked in the field for the farmers and that he worked in the fields with them. And they sang as they worked. Gospel songs. He said that no black person ever said to him, "That white person is ....." Well, if they had a problem with a white person I guess they might not talk about it with a white person, but the point is that the article was from Phil's point of view. He said that was what he saw and experienced.

    But that is beside the point. What is Mr. Race Baiter himself going to do if these people don't meet with him. Advise all black people not to buy Duck Dynasty merchandise. I can't see Uncle Si bobble heads being something that a lot of black people have on their Christmas lists. And I haven't seen any blacks wearing Duck t-shirts either. Now don't go getting your britches twisted Mr. Jackson. This is only what I have seen with my own two eyes. No blacks wearing Duck shirts.

    Anyway this is just my two cents. Go back to rallying your Muslim friends, Mr. Jackson

  20. 9:06 Dick Cheney needs to take him hunting!! One less race pimp hustling fraud. Maybe Obama will join them.

  21. I suggest Phil should invite this jerk to be a guest on the show. The Ducks will "eat his lunch". They will prove just how stupid he is.

  22. Is Jackson not entitled to his views? It seems we all are guilty of the same thing. We name call others we don't agree with. Two wrongs does not make anything right. Both Phil and Jessie are entitled to their opinions.

  23. It was not the fact that Mr. Jackson had differing views that bothered me, it was the fact that he "demanded" that the people from Cracker Barrel and A&E meet with him by Friday. And the demand factor was a little strong for what was said. Phil was not "overtly" racist as Jackson was implying with his "white privilege." In fact, Phil said in the article that he worked in the fields also as he was white trash.

    Anyway, yes he certainly is allowed to have his opinion. He is allowed to voice his opinion as I'm sure he will many times. But who is he to demand that people meet with him to discuss this. The RACE POLICE!!! GET A GRIP!!!

  24. I demand every poster on here meet with me so I can cleanse your minds! for a small fee of course!

  25. jackson,is a race baiter,communist just like the rest of them in office.

  26. Just another racist communist hate monger who profits from ignorant black America.

  27. I'm outraged he calls himself"reverend",he's no different than the money grubbing special interest groups!

  28. This man is irreverent and irrelevant.

  29. He is a extortionist! He goes to corporations and asks" You don't want a black problem do you?". Ask Coke!
    Within 48 hours of Jesse getting on the wagon, A&E capitulated. What a puke!

  30. Jessie only knows hate. He knows nothing of love.

  31. "White Privilege" is a made up phrase to explain away the failed policies of Liberalism/progressive-ism when applied to black folk... Keep voting Democrat.... stay poor and ignorant forever.


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