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Sunday, December 01, 2013

Iran Nuke Deal: U.S. And Western Allies Reach Agreement On Iran’s Nuclear Program

The U.S. and five other world powers reached an agreement with Iranian leaders early Sunday in Geneva to curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for a gradual easing of economic sanctions.

The announcement followed an intensive diplomatic push by Secretary of State John F. Kerry and five foreign ministers to close the deal curbing Iran’s suspected nuclear-weapons program. But as the parties moved toward an agreement in recent days, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed deep skepticism that Iran would abandon its nuclear ambitions.

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  1. The Iran nuclear agreement is nothing but a propaganda diversion away from Obama's many other fiascos;

    1. Bengazi
    2. Obamacare
    3. Gunrunning
    4. 'Those that want to keep their
    current policies can'
    5. Recent 'nuclear option' for judgeships.
    6. 240 week extension for unemployment.

    Let's face it - our President is a chronic liar.

  2. hey 9:17
    you have it right , most everyone knows this , too little too late.
    The liar has done it too many times. Anyway Iran is going to do what they want , like it always does.
    What a chicken $hit president you have, he's certainly not my president.

  3. Hope the deal includes sending Kerry to Iran, and denouncing his US citizenship.... ahhhh, dreams.

  4. Lurch was under orders from "The Iranian" Valerie Jarrett who has biggest dog in the fight. Gay Barry is her puppet and mouthpiece.

  5. He is a sell out. This is not my Government and not my President. He is a Communist President supporting radical Islam.

  6. Obama is the domestic enemy our military has sworn to protect us from. Where are they?

  7. Send Obama to Iran and keep him there.

  8. To 10:56 - I agree.

    Egypt's military took out Morsi -(another Islamist) - so I don't understand why the US military doesn't strip Obama of his powers.

  9. Anonymous said...
    To 10:56 - I agree.

    Egypt's military took out Morsi -(another Islamist) - so I don't understand why the US military doesn't strip Obama of his powers.

    November 24, 2013 at 1:04 PM

    I've been waiting for the same thing. The White House and the American government has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and other extremists. We need to take out the traitors like Reed, Pelosi and McCain.

  10. I watched the Hunger Games the other night and that really seems to portray the future of America. You people better start speaking up and fighting back.

  11. When ever Obama speaks or whatever he says I will never believe is true. The man is a compulsive liar.

  12. PRO MUSLIM lover Obami.

  13. Anonymous said...
    PRO MUSLIM lover Obami.

    November 24, 2013 at 7:27 PM

    He is a Muslim and has admitted to it numerous times. He has also lied about being a Christian as well.

  14. RT is calling the Iran deal a win win.I value their opinion over ours.

  15. Only three things one need to know about the Nuke deal:

    1. The U.S. has limited intelligence/knowledge of what Iranian capabilities are. We just do not know the extent or capabilities of their programs.
    2. The Iranians are no different than the North Koreans; they have cheated on agreements in the past and it should be expected that they will cheat in the future.
    3. Given 1 and 2, any agreement that doesn’t begin with rigorous on-site, unannounced inspections is likely to fail


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